RT @JesuitsEast: Last month Boston College hosted a conference honoring Fr. James F. Keenan, SJ, a globally respected Catholic moral theolo…
RT @MillennialJourn: “We (Catholics) know how to be not just in community but in communion with someone who is radically different than we…
RT @OrbisBooks: Director Daniel Horan speaks on spirituality for CFSS’ 40th anniversary https://t.co/rjMt1H3ND7
RT @TheKateWard: Great opportunity for advanced women doctoral students in theology @saintmarys ! https://t.co/rmLtGqKNH0
Nov 7th, 5 - 6:30PM in Yawkey Ctr's Murray Room:
Deus Ex Musica presents 'Search Me, O God':
An Interfaith Musical Explorations of the Psalms, performed by acclaimed Israeli-American violinist Yon...
RT @HTIprogram: 📢: @CMCnews seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor in African-American/African Religions. Start: July 2025. Apply by Nov…
RT @nicholemflores: UVA is hiring an assistant professor of bioethics! Department home is open (religious studies, philosophy, anthropology…
RT @STBCEFoundation: Grateful to meet and have guidance from such amazing theologians ( Sister Jamie Phelps and Dr. M. Shawn Copeland). 🙏🏾…
RT @JosMoonsSJ: Happy to publish a new book on #synodality, with the witness of #lay #preaching from Holy Trinity Washington by @BrianPFlan…
RT @DClintBurnett1: 15 spots away! If you wanted to buy my book (which is 70% off and now only $14.75), do it now! I almost have a #1 best…
On Nov 6th:
'Theology and the Limits of Liberal Democracy'
Professor Wamaitha asks how theology and the church can foster more expansive visions of democracy and be for and with the disenfranchised....
RT @jack_dele: I'm excited to be part of this event with Sarah and lots of other smart people on how religion matters in US politics. If yo…
RT @jesuitnews: On the new #AMDG pod, theologian @nicholemflores, of @UVA, discusses polarization, faith and politics, as well as how we mi…
RT @BostonCollege: David G. Hunter, @BosColTheology Flatley Chair, was one of the people to present the Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christi…
Proud to announce that one of our PhD candidates, Jean-Paul Juge, is the recipient of a @HankCenterLUC Fellowship in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.
Jean-Paul's major area of research is early Ch...