October 23, 2023
Investigamos. Manejamos fuentes fiables. Trabajamos con la información y la organizamos. Desarrollam...

October 22, 2023
#AlQaReading book club: The Hate U Give comienza con un Find Someone Who y continúa con un debate so...

October 21, 2023
How to make our portfolios great! These are some of the third graders designs. You can have more inf...

October 19, 2023
You can't blend in when you were born to stand out.
Comenzamos club de LECTURA multidisciplinar #al...

October 19, 2023
Continuamos en las clases de coenseñanza, co-teaching, combinando saberes básicos con destrezas ling...

October 18, 2023
Black History Month. En Reino Unido durante el mes de Octubre se conmemora el mes de la HIstoria Neg...

October 17, 2023
Arranca nuestro Club de Lectura #alqareading Moxie, de authorjenmathieu en ESO4 analizando las difer...

October 16, 2023
When using project based materials instead of a traditional coursebook based materials, we teachers ...

October 16, 2023
Women Writers Day begun in Spain to recover the legacy of women writers, to make visible the work of...

October 12, 2023
Arranca el Club de Lectura #crosscurricular #ALQAREADING en ESO1. Leemos James y el melocotón gigant...

October 10, 2023
Countdown to Human Rights Day.
Mental health is a human right.
10.10 is World Mental Health Day.

October 10, 2023
We have already started our observances section with The Black History Month #bhm #blackhistorymonth...

October 07, 2023
Comenzamos las prácticas en 4ESO en la materia de Natural Science. Observamos al microscopio orgánul...

October 07, 2023
Aquí estamos en el macro-evento por el #worldteachersday2023 Día Mundial del Docente 2023 organizado...

October 05, 2023
Year 2 students (8th graders) working on metacognition as a powerful tool to prepare themselves for ...