June 01, 2023
Comenzamos nuevo tema en Literacy: STUDENT LIFE, y qué mejor manera de hacerlo escuchando a nuestra ...

May 29, 2023
Hoy tenemos el honor de recibir en nuestro Centro a tres profesoras suecas del Killebäckskolan: Mett...

May 28, 2023
When a teacher needs to take a break during her long weekend and comes across a Golden ticket and do...

May 24, 2023

May 23, 2023
Advocate for a safer Internet, in every meaning of the word "safe".
Nuestro alumnado de segundo de ...

May 22, 2023
Usar una escape room como elemento motivador en un club de lectura escolar fue una ...

May 22, 2023
Our students have been working today in a co-teaching lesson on circular economy, which represents a...

May 22, 2023
Hoy en clase de Física y Química de ESO2 experimentamos con la energía. Primero en una placa micro:b...

May 19, 2023
TOPICAL TALK FESTIVAL 2023. Session Two on Plastic and the Planet at iesalqazeres ALQAZERES For more...

May 18, 2023
Slogans and posters have a real power in delivering concise and memorable messages and we have used ...

May 18, 2023
Conoces la fundacionsorapan ? Te apetece participar en un intercambio juvenil #erasmus que están org...

May 17, 2023
Co-teaching is the instructional approach we use where two teachers work collaboratively to plan, de...

May 17, 2023
Co-teaching rocks
#Science #Vertebrates #NewUnit

May 17, 2023
unitednations marks today as the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.

May 15, 2023
Our #AlQaReading book club on "Pride and Prejudice," a timeless classic written by Jane Austen, has ...