Photo post from littlegingerstudio.
June 23, 2020
3000 followers! Thanks everyone! It’s so nice to be able to share all this beautiful, kooky and orig...
Carousel post from littlegingerstudio.
June 22, 2020
Totally groovy large-scale paintings loosely inspired by the animal figures of Mirka Mora. After loo...
Carousel post from littlegingerstudio.
June 20, 2020
Fantastic almost-full class this morning for Kids Creative Club our drop in workshop class. We made ...
Carousel post from littlegingerstudio.
June 19, 2020
BOXHEADS!! We’ll be making utterly ridiculous giant Boxhead masks during the school holidays on Thur...
Carousel post from littlegingerstudio.
June 17, 2020
Printmaking! We’ll be printing up a storm tomorrow in our Arty Crafters class! This is a preschool d...
Carousel post from littlegingerstudio.
June 16, 2020
Beautiful class yesterday afternoon drawing animals inspired by vintage illustrations. I really love...
Photo post from littlegingerstudio.
June 15, 2020
And here’s our winners!! #Repost minimadthings ・・・ Well last weeks ROBOTS theme for #makecreateplay ...
Photo post from littlegingerstudio.
June 14, 2020
Whoops all gone. Our 10am class this morning is sold out but you can still book in for the 11am clas...
Carousel post from littlegingerstudio.
June 13, 2020
ROBOT printmaking, a fun, easy all-ages activity that perfectly puts to use old blocks, duplo and bi...
Photo post from littlegingerstudio.
June 12, 2020
JUNK ROBOTS! Walked into the studio this morning and thought - do I have enough hoarded stuff to mak...
Carousel post from littlegingerstudio.
June 11, 2020
Remember that time we made scribble-bots using instructions by babbledabbledo ?? So good! So fun! So...
Carousel post from littlegingerstudio.
June 11, 2020
Oh my! What a morning of amazing creativity! Our preschool classes are so fun! Thank you to all who’...
Carousel post from littlegingerstudio.
June 09, 2020
We made these tinker-toy robots a little while ago using broken toys, blocks, duplo etc and low heat...
Carousel post from littlegingerstudio.
June 08, 2020
It’s ROBOT week for minimadthings #makecreateplay challenge! Here’s one of our all time favourite ro...
Photo post from littlegingerstudio.
June 08, 2020
Oh my! It’s my turn to guest host minimadthings fun #makecreateplay challenge! And this week it’s al...