“Scissortails are among the first summer migrants to return to the plains. Their breathtaking skyborne antics bring more joy to me with each passing spring as I feel the tug of warming earth, lingering daylight, and thoughts of long, restless walks on a prairie I have all to myself. Just the birds, the sky, and my own thoughts. And, of course, the music.
Because a springtime walk on the prairie is an aural wonder, a concert that requires only the purchase of time and appreciation and memory. Each song that reaches my ear takes me somewhere, as all good music does.
this summer, as dreams of autumn still crowd your head, try taking a long lonely, listening walk across your favorite part of the uplands; free of dog, training pistol, or agenda. Hear what the land is saying in its music. If you let it, it’ll teach you a song.”
Read the full article "For the Love of Quail: The Music of the Uplands" by QF Journal Editor Chad Love, at the 🔗 link below.