SIX SUBSPECIES OF AMERICAN QUAIL BECKON UPLAND HUNTERS. The Bobwhite Quail, Gambel's Quail, Scaled Quail, Valley Quail, Mearns' Quail, and Mountain Quail. No matter if you if you actively chase one species or plan to pursue a different species in the future, check out our Quail America blog in our bio to get an in-depth look at these little birds that create big adventures.
📸: Lon Lauber (1 & 2)
📸: Gary Kramer (3, 4, 5)
📸: Anna Swerczek (6)
#Quailforever #bobwhitequail #gambelsquail #scaledquail #valleyquail #mearnsquail #mountainquail #uplandhunting