Splendor in the grass…prairie bobwhite, somewhere in western Oklahoma.
Quail Forever Journal Editor Chad Love on the story behind this photo…
"I went for a little drive and a walk last night. I suppose that - technically speaking - I was working, but I desperately needed some sky and some space and some prairie music.
And the prairie did not disappoint. The birdsong was quietly cacophonous, the aroma of sand-sage permeated the air, and the evening light glowed in that special, spectacular way that only dying plains sunlight can.
For a long time I sat and listened to the quail softly calling. Last week I was over 200 miles west of here, on the harsh, ragged edge of the bobwhite’s range, doing the same thing; listening as quail called out in that high, dry shortgrass country air.
I marveled at their ability to adapt, to find just enough niche and just enough moxie to survive out there, and as I sat last night listening to “my” home area quail, I reflected on what truly remarkable little creatures they are, and how lucky I am to know them, and appreciate them.
If I never hunted them again, I’d still do this every chance I had. I can’t imagine ever tiring of walking out into the prairie and bearing awed, silent witness to the spectacle playing out before me, and hoping to catch a glimpse of the amazing, fiercely unassuming little bird that most represents why I love this place."
- Chad Love, Quail Forever Journal Editor
#quail #quailforever #bobwhite #bobwhitequail #calloftheuplands #prairie #uplands #grasslands #thehabitatorganization