User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
July 06, 2022
Younger baby boomers are at risk of spending their retirement funds too quickly, according to a new study from the Boston College Center for @RetirementRsrch. Here are some strategies that can help.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
July 01, 2022
Women are twice as likely as men to utilize flexible work options when becoming parents, regardless of need. Brad Harrington, @BCCWF executive director, says flexible work has to be seen as something “both men and women can take advantage of.”
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
July 05, 2022
A study from the @BCCWF highlights the United States’ lack of national policy for family and medical leave. See how CEOs are embracing new ways to balance work and family life for themselves and their employees.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
June 30, 2022
Alicia Munnell, Boston College Center for @RetirementRsrch director, estimates that 401(k) plan participants have lost roughly $1.4 trillion since the end of 2021. Read more from @CNBC about how the current market is taking a toll on retirement savings.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
July 04, 2022
Photo post from @BCCarrollSchool.
Happy 4th of July, Eagles! We wish you all a safe and fun holiday. 🦅🇺🇸