November 11, 2021
Mark your calendars! utavy_logan utavy

November 09, 2021
The volunteer trail work continues in Cottonwood Canyon. Good work, Erik! Here is his recap and remi...

November 08, 2021
We hope you enjoyed these strava heat maps as much as we did! Here are the answers to last week's po...

November 08, 2021
Our program, Logan City, and members of the Logan River Task Force are partners in implementing the ...

November 07, 2021
And that’s a wrap! Good work team! New footbridge on Old Juniper Jardine is done.
A bit of trail w...

November 07, 2021
All creatures love trails! These little ducks were found waddling on the Wellsville Reservoir Trail....

November 05, 2021
strava has recently made their data public. We use their heat maps to identify areas of high usage t...

November 03, 2021
A big shoutout to spacedynamics for all their work up Smithfield Canyon this season!
We’ve posted a...