December 29, 2021
Recognize them, #DaytonaBeach?
We believe they used stolen credit cards recently to make purchases ...

December 28, 2021
Here's another example of the kinds of people we try to help out during the holidays.
Recently, Bri...

December 25, 2021
On this day 41 years ago, Officer Sam Etheredge was shot and killed while responding to a disturbanc...

December 24, 2021
We all know Santa Claus is busy this time of the year, so it means a lot when he swings by with pres...

December 23, 2021
Here's a little holiday story, #DaytonaBeach.
Some of our officers working a recent shooting pulled...

December 23, 2021
We've arrested a 54-year-old male creature who lives near Whoville for attempting to ruin #Christmas...

December 22, 2021
You never know what will happen during Park, Walk & Talk.
Officers Chris Maher and Maycon MacDowel ...

December 21, 2021
Heading out of town for the holidays?
Want to make sure your place is monitored while you're gone?

December 21, 2021
Are you looking for a career change?
Are you wanting to live near the World's Most Famous Beach?

December 19, 2021
Today, we helped make the holidays brighter for 25 #DaytonaBeach families.
Our annual #ShopWithACop...

December 19, 2021
Sometimes, the kids can't wait to play with the gifts they get during #ShopWithACop.
Sometimes, the...

December 18, 2021
It's an annual holiday tradition at our police department.
We managed to get enough bicycles to hel...

December 17, 2021
It's an annual holiday tradition at our police department.
Today, we managed to get enough bicycles...

December 17, 2021
Earlier this week, members of our command staff attended the annual bgca_clubs of Volusia/Flagler Co...

December 16, 2021
For those of you who didn't see this already from our friends at volusia.sheriff and orlandopolice.