March 07, 2023
Iris reticulata ‘Katherine’s Gold’ giving us a bit of sunshine on this very dreary day!

March 03, 2023
Hellebores galore - another six bought this year from pelhamplants to add to our collection - we lov...

March 01, 2023
Brahea armata - native to Mexico- silver palm - botanic gardens Madeira #gardenhouseontour

February 28, 2023
Leucospermum cordifolium - in the Protea family - native to South Africa but also loving the sunshin...

February 27, 2023
Oxalis pes-caprae – Bermuda Buttercup flowers in January/February in Madeira and brings swathes of v...

February 25, 2023
Carpet bedding is still alive and well in Madeira - together with mosaic pebble designs it looks spl...

February 24, 2023
Canarina canariensis - is a delicate climber that we found growing through a hedge in The Blandy’s s...

February 23, 2023
Aeoniums in full flower - Palheiro Gardens - Madeira The gardens at "Quinta do Palheiro" are famous ...

February 22, 2023
Tiles from the 16th century in the Monte Place garden Madeira - exquisite with fantastic planting wi...

February 21, 2023
Begonia hedge - The President’s Garden,Funchal, Madeira - what a fantastic way to use Begonias! Gard...

February 20, 2023
Garden house on tour to Madeira with its wonderful flora - Strelitzia reginae or aptly called bird o...

February 18, 2023
Snowies on the breakfast table this morning - so beautiful mirandasplants - we have established seve...

February 16, 2023
The reeds at Roydon and Lopham Fen look fantastic in the frost - such a wonderful spot!

February 15, 2023
Crocus delighting us - they are all over the garden - in the veg beds, cracks in the pavement, and i...

February 13, 2023
Hellebore heaven - at least six weeks of enjoying Hellebores at the Garden House - we try to buy 5 o...