Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 17, 2022
Cobaea scandens doing very nicely - we love it when their tendrils start to emerge from the seed lea...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 15, 2022
Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata’ the most glorious of shrubs - growing so well here that we thought she...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 14, 2022
Asarum european - Happy Valentine’s Day! 💚🖤 Asarum europaeum, commonly known as asarabacca, European...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 13, 2022
Crocus chrysantha var. fruiticosa - sunny delight - much needed today on this grey, wet, cold day -...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 11, 2022
Iris reticulata ‘Pauline’ - so cheerful - just like our good friend Pauline sussexprairies - such fa...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 10, 2022
What a difference a day makes - hundreds of Crocus have appeared in the last couple of days really b...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 09, 2022
Galanthus nivalis on my Grandmas willow pattern bread plate - with moss and hazel twigs for support,...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 08, 2022
Hyacinth ‘Fondant’ - the icing on the cake - we love to force Hyacinths in our collection of glass f...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 05, 2022
Galanthus mirandasplants and judith_rowe_pottery - such a perfect combination on this February day #...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 04, 2022
Crocus tommasinianus in a bulb forcer - we have hundreds in the garden but it’s so lovely bring a fe...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 03, 2022
The first of the Snowdrops - such a delight - we started collecting them last year - it was a great ...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
February 02, 2022
As the days lengthen the greenhouse is filing up with seedlings and cuttings again - germination of ...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
January 31, 2022
Cyclamen appearing in unexpected places -these ones at the bottom of the sundial - we are sure they ...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
January 29, 2022
Exciting to see the Hellebores daring to flower on these cold January days! Just have to go and chec...
Photo post from gardenhousebrighton.
January 28, 2022
Eranthis hyemalis, winter aconite, we are so pleased to see it as it took a long time to establish h...