May 04, 2023
May the 4th be with you homies!
Also thank you eotech for the picture 🥰
#maythe4thbewithyou #arfco...

April 04, 2023
Slapped our vortexoptics Defender CCW on a benelli.usa M4 for giggles and it handled it like a champ...

March 30, 2023
Probably better than tinder.
Thanks chopinbloc for thr meme idea 😁
#arfcom #pewpew #memes #2a

March 24, 2023
The emperor smiles 😎
#arfcom #warhammer #memes

March 23, 2023
Finishing up our studio with holdupdisplays 😎
#arfcom #pewpew #2a

March 17, 2023
In celebration of the season finale of thelastofus we did our own IRL version.
Gear list for inquir...

March 16, 2023
Check out the latest from vortexoptics, the Defender CCW. It has a YUUGE window on a small footprint...

March 02, 2023
We did a quick function test of the odinworks_ AYHN (Are You Happy Now) buffertube 🤣 ran like a cham...

March 01, 2023
Either I start making sense to them or they grow more concerned 🤣 either way I stay on the path 😎

February 24, 2023
Every time I feel accomplished from a range session. I get humbled 😅
#arfcom #pewpew #memes #2a

February 16, 2023
Don't lose sleep over this. Come check it out and save monies!
#arfcom #pewpew #2A #tactical

February 14, 2023
Happy Valentines day!!! I hope you and your significant other of a wonderful evening. I hope the sin...

February 06, 2023
It's a process, and nobody has all the right answers/skills. Get good together :)
#arfcom #2A #meme...

February 02, 2023
Getting back on my soap box...sorry if you don't already know 😅
#arfcom #pewpew #iykyk #2ndamendmen...

February 01, 2023
Here is your friendly physics lesson from friends at ARFCOM.
#arfcom #pewpew #meme #dankmemes #2A