July 18, 2021
Another great day on the trails #thegorge #jeep #jeeplife #itsajeepthing #redjeep #rubicon #jeepporn...

July 16, 2021
There’s always time for a phots op between clients #realtorlife #jeepjeep #jeepwrangler #jeepwrangle...

July 16, 2021
Overhead view on my way to a photo shoot on my listing .
#jeep #jeepjeep #jeepwrangler #jeepw...

July 12, 2021
A fun day on the trails with friends .
#jeep #jeepjeep #jeepwrangler #jeepwranglerunlimited...

July 09, 2021
Happy #FrontEndFriday - a little adventure for Friday #jeeplife #jeepjeep #livelovejeep #jeepwrangle...

June 17, 2021
It’s a great day of #camping
#jeep #jeepjeep #jeepwrangler #jeepwranglerunlimited #4x4 #JL...

June 12, 2021
Weekend fun - gotta love being topless and no doors. When’s the next adventure?
#jeep #jee...

May 31, 2021
Weekends are made for fun - who else played this weekend?
#jeep #jeepjeep #jeepwrangler #j...

May 29, 2021
Today’s adventure #jeep #rubicon #itsajeepthing #redjeep #jeepporn #jeepjeep #jeepfun #jeeprubicon #...

May 26, 2021
Looks like someone got new shoes … and maybe a lift 😍
#jewplife #jeepporn #falkentires #its...

May 18, 2021
The weekend at the L’avant Trail - gotta love the week-ends with justa_jeep_girl ru_bry_con hydranth...

May 18, 2021
What an awesome day it was. So nice to see the warmer weather. Time to have fun 🤩
#jeep #j...

May 08, 2021
Who’s ready for #camping #summer2021 #jeeplife #holidays #jeepruby #rubicon #ottawa #yow #itsajeepth...

April 05, 2021
When you can’t go camping yet but your new tent just came in - set it up in the garage 😂😎🤣 easy to s...

March 28, 2021
Anxious for summer trails during this rainy day - who else?
#jeeplife #ottawa #jeepjeep #i...