February 05, 2023
Delving into a new Cross-curricular activity...

February 04, 2023
According to the who
World Health Organisation, cancer is one of the world’s leading causes of death...

February 01, 2023
famayaf ha inaugurado esta tarde las jornadas inicial es del Programa Muévete que promueve la Direcc...

February 01, 2023
In ESO2 students have built their own molecules to learn their structure.

January 30, 2023
Happy International School Day of Non-violence and Peace!
On January 30, the International School D...

January 28, 2023
In ESO 1 students have checked the structure of a real plant cell, including the nucleus and the cel...

January 27, 2023
After a few months, our iconic double decker bus has been repaired by the best mechanics from ESO1, ...

January 26, 2023
Today has been a very special day in our magic Queendom for we have had the honour of celebrating th...

January 25, 2023
Meet Her Majesty the Queen Super Peppa and Her Royal Guard, Bobby 👑💂
Everything is ready for the 🇬🇧...

January 24, 2023
We are preparing a big surprise! You'll know more soon!
#groupwork #crosscurricular #multileveled #...

January 22, 2023
Sports, fitness and health.

January 21, 2023
Some of our last year ESO4 students are still participants in this European Project. They know 🙏lang...

January 21, 2023
In ESO1 students have built their own animal and plant cells in class!! biogeo_victoria iesalqazeres

January 18, 2023
Open Day 2023: open arms and hearts.
Thank you to our lovely ESO1 students ❤️ for their contributio...

January 17, 2023
Nos sentimos muy orgullos@s dentro del equipo British Council de nuestra pequeña, pequeñísima, contr...