January 13, 2023
Es importante cuando el alumnado pasa del colegio al instituto que los alumnos y alumnas que han com...

January 13, 2023
Reunión de coordinación con las compañeras del ceipalbaplata

January 13, 2023
Well, it might seem a bitter and complex term or a challenging thing to do, but when we are talking ...

January 11, 2023
Teaming up!
Library Project + #mefpbritishcouncilprogramme = bookclubbing films
"Alone we can do ...

January 11, 2023
Viruses and bacteria are all around us. Washing your hands regularly means you can enjoy close momen...

January 08, 2023
We hope you are feeling refreshed as we enter this new term. Second term, here we come!🤪

January 06, 2023
Happy Three Wise Men Day to everyone!
Some people may not know that in the first week of January ev...

January 03, 2023
Welcome 2023! 2022 is over! This holiday season, let's take an act of kindness and brighten someone'...

December 31, 2022
A unas pocas horas de decirle adiós al año que nos ha acompañado durante trescientos sesenta y cinco...

December 26, 2022
Vascularisation of the heart ❤

December 26, 2022
Did you know today the UK (and a number of other Commonwealth of Nations countries) celebrates Boxin...

December 23, 2022
In ESO3 students have studied the structure of a real heart in Science. The best way to learn it's d...

December 22, 2022
Our very best wishes for the coming year 2023!

December 20, 2022
BREAKING NEWS: Amancio Ortega Scholarship
We are very excited to announce that our #ESO4 student No...

December 20, 2022
Our students have already sent a letter to Finland, but... do not be mistaken: this letter is not di...