The word "sustainability" shows up in a lot of places these days, but hunters have been focused on sustainability for generations. Now, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever are demonstrating how delivering on our habitat mission provides tremendous benefits well beyond the hunting public - and those broader audiences are taking note.
Diverse audiences benefit from this program, and to continue this growth we’re attracting more support from some unexpected places. Our BAWA projects provide quality habitat and preserve our outdoor heritage by increasing hunting opportunities, and they’re also an outstanding sustainability solution.
The thing is, our Build a Wildlife Area® program is an incredible success story, but the story is incomplete – at least for now. Our pheasants, quail, pollinators, and other upland wildlife have historically lost so much habitat, the way forward requires us to continue to gain much more ground.
Learn more by reading the entire blog "Building Bridges by Building a Wildlife Area" by Brent Rudolph, Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever's Director of Sustainability Partnerships at the 🔗 link in our bio.
Also consider making a contribution to our Build A Wildlife Area Program so you can be a Public Land Creator.
#quailforever #BAWA