THIS COULD SAVE YOUR DOG’S LIFE! Our bird dogs deserve more than we can provide, even in the best of circumstances. Come to the 2023 National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic's Bird Dog Trauma Training and leave with the knowledge, confidence, and equipment to provide life-saving care for your canine companions. LINK IN OUR BIO!
Join Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever, members of the U.S. Army’s K9 Tactical Combat Casualty Care review board, and our partners at Purina for a hands-on training opportunity to learn life-saving field care for your bird dogs. Training will cover trauma management, bird dog nutrition, and how to safely remove your bird dogs from traps encountered in the field. Seats are limited, purchase your tickets today at the link in our bio!
Attendees will walk away with a FREE Dog Life Membership, Bird Dog Trauma Kit, and the confidence to handle any situation in the field.
#quailclassic #pheasantfest #pheasantsforever #quailforever #birddog