February 03, 2021
I once saw a photo of Ghent in a Nat Geo Traveler magazine and pinned it to a vision board. I didn’t...

February 02, 2021
Budapest has a magical feeling throughout the city. I’d like to return during a warmer time of year,...

February 01, 2021
Amélie is one of my favorite films, so naturally, Montmartre was one of my favorite areas to roam in...

February 01, 2021
this photo hangs in our dining room. our hotel overlooked this cafe. as my crew was resting up from ...

February 01, 2021
reminiscing as i attempt to sort and consolidate years of travel. sharing a few memories as i go. i ...

December 29, 2020
i love city life so much, especially at night

December 20, 2020
✨ city sidewalks... Midtown really did a magical job this year. The Christmas lights bring so much j...

December 09, 2020
“Each neighborhood of the city appeared to be made of a different substance, each seemed to have a d...

December 09, 2020
gasoline don’t burn as fast as me... 🎶 ... i discovered houndmouth earlier this year, and although t...

December 09, 2020
we all connect, like a net we cannot see - taxi driver wisdom

December 09, 2020
this space was a former sushi spot. i love how they’ve elevated the atmosphere. this dragon reminded...

December 09, 2020
small plate dining is my absolute favorite. i’d rather taste and share multiple things on the menu t...

December 09, 2020
oh, ruby... i miss dining out in various cities across the country. it was such a big part of my lif...

October 26, 2020
Remnants of Orange Beach... ☀️ 💫
#bestofalbeaches #explorealabama

October 20, 2020
“We just don't recognize life's most significant moments while they're happening. Back then I though...