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Google review calculator

Unlock your business’s potential with our precise Google review calculator. Discover exactly how many 5-star reviews you need to achieve your target rating and attract more customers to your business.

How the Google Rating Calculator works?

  • 1.

    Enter your current Google reviews rating (for example, 4.2).

  • 2.

    Type the total number of reviews you have at the moment (for example, 50).

  • 3.

    Specify your desired average rating (for example, 4.5).

Get the goal:

  • The calculator tells you how many additional 5-star reviews you need to achieve your target.

FAQs about Google rating calculator

Around 90% of customers read online reviews before making a purchase.
Customers are willing to spend up to 31% more at businesses with “excellent” reviews.
87–90% of consumers use online reviews to evaluate local businesses.
Moving from 3.0 to 4.0 – can lead to a 44% increase in conversions
Google rounds ratings to the nearest tenth (0.1). Here’s how it works:
Example 1: A computed average of 4.94 rounds down to 4.9.
Example 2: A computed average of 4.95 rounds up to 5.0.
The tool uses your current review breakdown to calculate the weighted average and then determines how many perfect ratings are needed to reach your target average.
Yes. Engaging with your customers by addressing negative reviews professionally and encouraging satisfied customers to share their positive experiences can also help improve your average rating over time.
Achieving a perfect 5.0 rating can be challenging, but here are some strategies:

Encourage positive feedback: Invite satisfied customers to share their experiences.
Engage actively: Respond promptly and professionally to all reviews, especially any negative ones.
Consistent quality: Maintain high standards in your products or services to naturally garner positive reviews.
Review management: Monitor feedback regularly and address any issues that might lower your rating.

Remember, while a perfect 5.0 is admirable, a slightly lower rating can sometimes be seen as more genuine by potential customers.
Trust factor: Ratings between 4.7 and 4.9 are often seen as more trustworthy than a perfect 5.0, which can sometimes seem too good to be true, especially when many reviews are involved.
Review order: Many potential customers read negative reviews first. Addressing these promptly can make a significant difference.
Engagement matters: Respond professionally to every review—this builds trust and reassures future customers that you value feedback.
Long-term srategy: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews to gradually build a more authentic rating profile.

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Lo que dicen nuestros usuarios:


TrovaTrip aumentó las tasas de conversión de reservas en 12% con testimonios de clientes en sólo 4 semanas

Nick Poggi

Es muy fácil trabajar con el equipo de Embed Social. Son muy rápidos en responder a cualquier petición especial y en implementar cambios en la cuenta. Aparte de la gran atención al cliente, sus productos también son muy fáciles de usar y ofrecen una gran libertad que no se puede obtener con otros productos similares. Sin duda lo recomiendo.

Ryan Hazlewood

EmbedSocial nos permite mostrar el contenido de las redes sociales en nuestras páginas web de una manera que es a la vez funcional y vibrante. Su biblioteca de diseños de feeds sociales se integra a la perfección con nuestros componentes existentes y es fácil de usar para editores de páginas de todos los niveles.

Zanna Ollove
Universidad de Boston

La experiencia con EmbedSocial ha sido increíble. Siempre estamos buscando formas de aprovechar nuestro tiempo, así que encontrar un producto que mantuviera nuestras reseñas actualizadas automáticamente fue una obviedad.

Brooks Hitzfield
Siete hijos

Ha sido bastante sencillo mostrar prueba social con EmbedReviews, y su equipo ha sido fantástico a la hora de ayudarnos con la implementación técnica.

Eric Hnatov

Nos estamos gastando la mitad de lo que nos costó nuestro último gestor de revisiones, ¡y le estamos sacando 100 veces más partido! Sinceramente, estoy sorprendido de lo que estamos consiguiendo por ese precio. Ojalá hubiéramos cambiado a EmbedReviews hace años.

Kodi Duncan
3 elementos clave