Exciting news for EmbedFeed! Introducing our newest Analytics feature. Now, effortlessly monitor performance metrics – views, clicks, and engagement rates – right from your EmbedFeed dashboard. Elevate your social media game with data-driven insights! 📊
In this tutorial, we will show you how to do just that, to track metrics with EmbedFeed!
If you still don't have an EmbedFeed account, click to start a 7-day trial.
TL;DR - Quick guide:
1. Create an account on EmbedFeed
2. Create a widget out of your reviews and embed it on your website
3. Open the widget, go to the 'General' tab, and enable the 'Feed analytics' option
4. Click on 'Analytics' to track all the metrics
Enable 'Analytics' inside your widget
In order to enable analytics you will need to:
1. Open the desired widget, and navigate to the 'General' tab:
2. Enable the 'Reviews analytics' option:
That's it! now the 'Analytics' tab will be available in the upper menu, you can click on it to track the metrics for your widget:
You can track the total clicks per widget together with clicks overview, and clicks per specific posts for:
The last 7 days
The last 30 days
Last calendar year
All the time
You can download the reports as well in a CSV file, by clicking on the 'Download' button:
Please note that the 'Analytics' feature becomes available with our Premium or Enterprise plan.
Individual post Insights
As mentioned previously, the social feed report contains data for each individual post separately. The current individual post insights include the following data:
1. Post click - clicks on the actual photo or post in the feed
2. Lightbox clicks - clicks on the post in the feed when a lightbox mode is enabled
3. Follow click - number of clicks on the Follow button to the Instagram account of the user
3. Icon click - number of clicks on the social icons displayed in the feed that redirects to the social media account where the post was generated from
4. Call To Action click - if the CTA is enabled, this metric will show the number of clicks on the button displayed for each individual post.
You can view Individual posts insights by clicking on the 'View insights' button in the posts table displayed below the graph report.
If you have any questions, click the bottom right chat icon to talk with our customer success team or send us an email at support@embedsocial.com
We're here for you 🙏