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Autocollant de lien pour Instagram Stories : Le changement de donne en matière de marketing des médias sociaux

add link on a instagram story


Instagram just launched the Link Sticker to all users, globally.

And this is definitely a game-changer in using the platform for driving conversions and sales on your website which previously was only possible with link in bio page.

Most of the users are pretty excited! Here are some of the comments on Twitter:

‘Thank you for listening’

‘This is huge for small businesses.’

or this:

In the following text, we will provide you with everything you need to know on how to add Link Sticker, why and how to use it.

It is different than the ‘Swipe Up’ option because you are now able to add the link on different parts of the Story canvas. Plus you won’t need 10000+ followers to have this ability.

Here is a short definition:

Link sticker is an option to add a sticker with an external link on an Instagram Story. When people tap on the sticker, they’ll be redirected.

It appears that Instagram discontinued the Swipe Up option and it entirely replaced it with the Link Sticker.

To visually understand what it looks like here is an example:

The steps to add the sticker are the same as any other Instagram story sticker.

For beginners, here are is a step by step tutorial:

  1. Tap on your profile photo and hold to add a story
  2. Take a photo or upload it from your phone gallery
  3. Tap on the top Sticker icon
  4. In the sticker menu, browse for the Link Sticker
  5. Select it
  6. Add the link and tap ‘Done’
  7. Place it on the story as other stickers and tap to change color

C'est tout.

The sticker with the link’s domain URL will appear as a white overlay on your story.

To interact with it, your followers will be able to click and navigate away from Instagram to the destination URL.

POUR INFO: Lien Feedlink dans l'outil BIo aide les propriétaires de petites entreprises et UGC consolident tous leurs outils dans une seule plateforme et économisent des tonnes de temps et d'argent pour construire des pages de biographie, publier des blogs, des lettres d'information et des livres d'or. messages sur les médias sociaux.

Convertir les adeptes en clients grâce à la Meilleur outil de lien dans la bio de la planète.

Consolidez vos outils et réduisez vos coûts grâce à un blog gratuit, une lettre d'information et la publication sur les médias sociaux. Plus un an de lien gratuit vers un domaine.

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But why is all the fuzz?

Well if you are using Instagram, you’re most probably struggling with linking your content to your website, product pages, or blog posts.

Plus, (as we already mentioned but will repeat again), one of the ways to add a link on Instagram was the option to create a ‘Swipe up’ link on the Instagram Story, but this option was available only to influencers with 10,000+ followers.

Ok, let’s summarize the benefits of using the Link Sticker:

Additionally, it’s important to note that Instagram still won’t enable the option for adding links to Instagram posts, which is why the users use platforms like Linkree et Feedlink.

Another big reason why this Link Sticker will increase Instagram stories usage and change the marketers’ tactics for online sales in the coming holiday season.

According to the announcement, the newly created accounts and accounts that constantly violate Instagram’s Community standards won’t get the link Sticker.

This rule is based on the platform’s efforts to keep users safe and protected from misleading content.

POUR INFO: Lien Feedlink dans l'outil BIo aide les propriétaires de petites entreprises et Créateurs de CGU regroupent tous leurs outils sur une seule plateforme et économisent beaucoup de temps et d'argent pour créer des pages de liens, publier des blogs, des lettres d'information et des messages sur les médias sociaux.

Convertir les adeptes en clients grâce à la Meilleur outil de lien dans la bio de la planète.

Consolidez vos outils et réduisez vos coûts grâce à un blog gratuit, une lettre d'information et la publication sur les médias sociaux. Plus un an de lien gratuit vers un domaine.

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