Comment intégrer gratuitement un flux Instagram sur un site web ? [2024]

Learn how to add an Instagram feed to any of your websites with the free EmbedSocial widgets.

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Social media feeds have recently become a core component of any website, especially those from popular networks like Instagram. After all, when you embed Instagram feed on website, you enhance the reach of both your website and your social media.

Plus, embedding an Instagram feed on your websites couldn’t be easier!

All you need is an easy-to-use Widget Instagram that doesn’t require coding knowledge to pull all your posts and display them on your sites.

Quick guide: How to embed Instagram feed on website for free?

Here’s how you can embed an Instagram feed on your website via a social aggregator:

  1. Sign up for the free Instagram widget.
  2. Under ‘Sources’ > ‘Add new source,’ choose Instagram;
  3. Connect your Facebook account or manually enter your Instagram account;
  4. Choose an Instagram widget layout template, such as the Instagram slider;
  5. Design your widget and copy its embeddable code;
  6. Open your website builder, place an HTML element, and pâte the code.
Steps to embed Instagram feed for free

So, if you are looking to quickly boost your brand’s preuve sociale with contenu généré par l'utilisateur, you are at the right place. We have all the solutions you need to display an Instagram feed on your website immediately! For more customizations try the pro version and get tools like shoppable Isntagram feed, more sources, tons of advance settings and analytics.


Embarquer Flux Instagram sur votre site web sans lever le petit doigt !

Générer et intégrer un widget Instagram avec votre flux, vos mentions ou vos hashtags directement sur votre site web.

Démarrer l'essai gratuit de 7 jours

Pour information : vous pouvez intégrer automatiquement un widget Instagram à l'aide d'un sagrégateur de médias sociauxLe site Web de l'entreprise est un outil de travail qui permet de donner vie à votre site Web grâce à un contenu frais.

What is an Instagram feed widget for websites?

Le Widget de flux Instagram by EmbedSocial is a tool that lets you display Instagram posts on your website. By using the official Instagram API, this widget can show not only your own Instagram posts but also posts from users who mention your account or use specific hashtags. This helps you display instagram feed on website that will show user-generated cotnent on your website or eCommerce store, that increases trust for further increasing conversion rates.

Here is a live demo of what and how the Instagram feed will appear on your website:

To get started, browse the Bibliothèque de widgets Instagram and see all the possibilities for embedding your Instagram feed on your website.

How to embed an Instagram feed with a social media aggregator?

Integrating your Instagram feed with a handy agrégateur de médias sociaux is very simple:

  1. Créer un compte EmbedSocial
  2. Add Instagram as a ‘Source’
  3. Connect a Facebook account or enter your Instagram account
  4. Select the Instagram source type
  5. Choose your Instagram widget layout
  6. Copy your Instagram widget code
  7. Paste the provided code into your website

Step 1: Create an EmbedSocial account

Before you start, first create your EmbedSocial account.

Step 2: Add Instagram as a ‘Source’

Once you are logged in, you will be navigated to the Sources‘ page, where you can click Ajouter une nouvelle source to see all available social media integrations. Click on ‘Instagram’:

Select Instagram as a source to embed Instagram feed

Step 3: Connect a Facebook account or your Instagram account

You can either ‘Connect Facebook Account’ to pull all the professional Instagram posts associated with it, or you can manually enter your public Instagram account @username:

connect facebook account to generate instagram feed

Remarque : If you manage several Instagram profiles with your Facebook account, the system will display them all once you connect your Facebook account.

Step 4: Select the Instagram source type

Choose what kind of Instagram feed you want to create: from a @Personal ou @Business account, using #Hashtags ou @Mentions posts, or even an Instagram @Stories feed:

Choose the Instagram account from which you want to embed feed

Remarque : Once you are done, you will be redirected to the next step—choosing the widget layout. However, you can always add additional Instagram post types in the future.

Étape 5 : Choose your Instagram widget layout

Now you get to choose one of almost 40 different Instagram feed widget layouts, which you can later customize. Find the one you like and tap Utiliser ce modèle:

Choose Instagram widget template layout

Step 6: Copy your Instagram widget code

Once you are done customizing the look of your widget as you see fit, look for the widget code under the Embed' (Intégrer) section (top-left corner), and click Copier le code:

get embeddable code to embed free instagram feed

Note: Just below the Instagram feed embed code, you’ll also find specific tutorials for embedding it onto different platforms. Click the icon of your website builder to open the corresponding tutorial.

Step 7: Paste the provided code into your website

Last but not least, you have to paste the embed code for Instagram feed into your website builder, and most of them follow similar steps: you open the page for the widget, add a customizable HTML block, and coller le code into the empty field. Here’s what that looks like on WordPress:

paste code to display instagram feed

Remarque : Below, we cover the exact steps needed to embed your code across the most popular website builders, such as Squarespace, Wix, and WordPress.

If you are a visual learner, here’s a handy YouTube video covering the above process on how to add Instagram feed to website:

How to embed an Instagram feed to your website for free?

EmbedSocial also provides a free Instagram feed widget that can generate, utilize, and sync your Instagram’s marketing potential on your website in minutes.

This free Instagram feed widget works with all popular website builders and can be implemented in a few straightforward steps:

  1. Create your free account for the Instagram widget;
  2. Pick Instagram as a ‘Source‘ and connect your Instagram account;
  3. Generate your Instagram feed in an Instagram widget;
  4. Copy the widget code and paste it onto your website.

That’s it! Now, you have an automatically updated Instagram widget. Easy right?

Free Instagram widget on website: Live demo

Here’s what this free Instagram feed looks like when embedded on a website:

Like what you see? Create and embed your first Instagram feed for free!

By now, you should know how to design your widget and copy and paste its code into your website. However, you might have further questions about how that works for specific website builders, e-commerce platforms, and CMS platforms. Here is how to embed Instagram feed on website using a web builder:

How to embed Instagram feed in WordPress

Steps to embed Instagram feed in WordPress

Before you start, please note that you can embed the Instagram feed using the EmbedSocial platform with or without a WordPress plugin. 

Elle est directement intégrée à l'API Instagram, vous n'aurez donc pas besoin de configurer votre identifiant ou de mettre à jour les jetons d'accès. Vous n'aurez qu'à cliquer sur un bouton et donner votre autorisation à notre plateforme pour synchroniser vos posts sur votre site WordPress.  

EmbedSocial provides two options to embed an Instagram feed: a Code JavaScript pour une intégration directe à l'intérieur des articles WordPress et un plugin for embedding Instagram feeds with a shortcode. Voici les instructions pour les deux méthodes :

Option 1 : Instagram Feed Plugin

instagram feed wordpress plugin

EmbedSocial fournit un free Instagram feed WordPress plugin as part of the social media aggregator, and it works for any WordPress theme.

Avec la Instagram Feed for WordPress, you can create a full posts feed or a simple photo feed with your Instagram images.  

Before you start, you will need first to connect your Instagram user account. Then, follow these steps to activate the Instagram plugin on your WordPress website:

  1. Ouvrez votre administration WordPress et naviguez vers Plugins;
  2. Dans Recherche, tapez EmbedSocial, et dans les résultats de la recherche, cliquez sur Installer ;
  3. Une fois qu'il est installé, dans la liste des plugins, cliquez sur Activer;
  4. Maintenant, ouvrez votre page WordPress où vous voulez afficher le flux ;
  5. Cliquez sur l'icône + pour ajouter un bloc, choisir un Bloc HTML (ou utiliser un bloc de codes courts) ;
  6. Collez le code HTML fourni ;
  7. Cliquez sur Sauvegarder / Publier sur cette page.
Steps to embed HTML in WordPress

Le tour est joué. Une fois que vous ouvrez le front-end de votre site WordPress, vous verrez les dernières publications Instagram sur votre site web. 

EmbedSocial will help you to choose the layout, and several columns and a follow button, and even include a Facebook feed or TikTok feed in one social media widget.

Option 2 : Instagram Feed JavaScript

This option is usually recommended use for one-time embeds like showing an Instagram widget in the website’s sidebar. 

Pour ce faire, vous devez obtenir le code de votre compte EmbedSocial et le coller dans la zone des widgets où se trouve votre barre latérale.

How to show Instagram feed on Shopify website

Étapes pour afficher le flux Instagram dans Shopify

There are a few options when embedding an Instagram widget in Shopify, and the tutorial below will show you how to embed the JavaScript code in a selected page:

1. Connectez-vous à Shopify, allez à Magasin > Options > Pageset ouvrez la page en question ;

2. Dans l'éditeur de pages de Shopify, cliquez sur le bouton icône de code en haut à droite:

embed instagram in shopify

3. Cliquez sur l'icône Icône HTML/code (coin supérieur droit) et collez le code fourni ;

4. Enfin, cliquez sur 'Sauvegarder, and the Instagram feed will appear on the selected page:
paste code in Shopify

How to show an Instagram feed on a Wix website

Steps to dispaly an Instagram feed on a Wix website

Follow the steps below to embed an Instagram feed in Wix:

1. Tout d'abord, connectez-vous à votre compte Wix et ouvrez l'éditeur de votre site web ;

2. Cliquez sur le bouton en haut à gauche Bouton "+". pour ajouter un nouveau bloc, et dans la fenêtre contextuelle, choisissez l'option iFrame bloc :
Select iframe block in Wix

3. Une fois que le bloc iFrame apparaît, cliquez sur l'icône en haut à gauche de l'écran. 'Entrer le code' bouton :
click to add code in iframe block in wix
4. Collez le code du widget que vous avez copié dans l'éditeur de widget et cliquez sur '.Mise à jour‘:
add Instagram feed widget code in Wix

5. Redimensionnez le bloc iFrame pour qu'il s'adapte au widget et cliquez sur Publier" :
resize and publish Wix page with Instagram feed widget

How to embed Instagram feed in HubSpot

Steps to embed Instagram feed in HubSpot

Le constructeur de sites web de HubSpot est une plateforme très populaire pour la création de pages d'atterrissage parmi les utilisateurs ne disposant pas de compétences techniques spécifiques.

Pour intégrer votre flux Instagram dans le Hub CMS de HubSpot, suivez les étapes suivantes :

  1. Connectez-vous à votre compte HubSpot ;
  2. Cliquez sur Marketing dans le menu supérieur et cliquez sur Pages d'atterrissage;
  3. Cliquez sur éditer sur la page où vous voulez avoir le flux Instagram ;
  4. Dans l'éditeur de la page d'atterrissage, cliquez sur le menu supérieur Fichier et sélectionnez Paramètres de la page;
  5. Choisissez ici Avancé et naviguez jusqu'à la page Pied de page zone de texte ;
  6. Collez le code du widget ;
  7. Cliquez sur Économiser ou Publier.
steps to embed Instagram feed in Hubspot website

That’s it. You can just set the Instagram feed widget and forget about it, as it will automatically update on its own every time you post on Instagram.

Here is a demo of the Instagram feed in HubSpot.

How to embed Instagram feed in Notion

Steps to embed Instagram feed in Notion

Utilisez-vous Notion pour créer des pages d'atterrissage ? Si oui, les étapes suivantes peuvent vous aider à synchroniser votre activité Instagram avec vos pages Notion.

Pour commencer, vous aurez besoin de l'URL du widget, que vous obtiendrez en ouvrant l'éditeur de widgets et en cliquant sur le bouton Code iFrame sous le bouton Onglet "Embed. Lorsque vous voyez la fenêtre contextuelle, cliquez simplement sur "URL" (troisième sur la liste), et appuyez sur Copier l'URL:

Instagram feed URL

To embed the Instagram feed into your Notion page, follow these steps:

  1. Connectez-vous à votre compte Notion et ouvrez la page où vous souhaitez intégrer le flux ;
  2. Sélectionnez l'endroit où placer le widget, tapez /embed, et choisissez l'option Embarquer option ;
  3. Cliquez sur le bouton Lien d'intégration et dans l'onglet URL, collez l'URL du widget :
embed Instagram feed in Notion embed link

Full guide on how to embed reviews widget in Notion.

Comment afficher votre flux Instagram dans Squarespace

Étapes pour afficher votre flux Instagram dans Squarespace

The code provided by the free Instagram widget also works within Squarespace.

Tout d'abord, accédez à votre compte Squarespace et, à partir de la page d'accueil, naviguez jusqu'au site web où vous souhaitez afficher le widget :

Now follow these steps to paste the embeddable code of your Instagram widget:

1. Naviguez jusqu'à la section de la page où vous souhaitez ajouter le widget et ajoutez un nouveau bloc de contenu en cliquant sur le bouton bouton plus:

add html block area in Squarespace

2. Sélectionnez l'option Embed' (Intégrer) et cliquez sur le bloc "Embed Data" (données intégrées) icône du code :

click on the embed data icon

3. Collez le code dans le point d'insertion et cliquez sur '.Set (jeu de mots)' :

embed html code in squarespace
How to embed Instagram feed on website HTML? 

Steps to embed Instagram feed in HTML

Si vous utilisez du HTML pur pour construire votre site web, voici les étapes à suivre pour coller facilement le code intégrable :

  1. Copy the provided Isntagram feed code from the EmbedSocial account (as shown previously)
  2. Allez dans le dossier de votre site web et ouvrez le code HTML à l'endroit où vous voulez ajouter le code
  3. Trouver la div dans le <body> à l'endroit où vous souhaitez afficher le widget, et collez simplement le code.
Steps to embed Google reviews HTML

Embed Instagram Feed on other web platforms

Here are a couple more tutorials to help you display Instagram posts on other web platforms:

5 ways to customize your embedded Instagram feed like a PRO

Now that you know how to embed an Instagram feed on any website, let’s check out a few useful customization options available in the widget’s PRO version:

1. Change the layout of the Instagram widget

You can switch the layout by navigating to the Settings panel > Layout tab > and choosing a layout you like. Here is how the switch from Feed to Slider looks like:

Instagram slider layout

And here is how the layout looks when switched to collage:

Instagram collage widget

2. Swap the card style of the Instagram posts

The card style is the look of the Instagram posts in the feed. You can showcase the posts as photos or in their full version, which includes all relevant details, including the photo or video, the Instagram account that posted it, and the time when it was published:

Card style of Instagram posts

Remarque : You can also create a widget with photos only via the photo grid card layout. Their captions will still be available on hover and when clicking the lightbox.

3. Customize the way Instagram posts show in the lightbox/popup mode

For showcasing Instagram posts in a more detailed view, the platform offers separate settings for the lightbox mode.

This lightbox appears when users click on the posts, and the post opens in a popup view containing a larger format. Furthermore, users can swipe left or right to see more details and view all posts in a more zoomed format.

To personalize the look, you can choose from the settings such as:

  • Lightbox clicks None or Original sources;
  • Lightbox style: Horizontal, Vertical, Drawer (left) or Drawer (right);
  • Lightbox shape: Compact or Large images;
  • Option de hide post caption.

4. Change the color theme from light to dark or rainbow

This is a very simple setting, but many users love it since they can completely change the Instagram feed theme with one click and choose how they want to display the Instagram feed on their website in an effort to make it fit the overall theme.

Here is an example of how the widget looks like when switched to the rainbow theme:

Change the Instagram widget color to rainbow

5. Curate an Instagram feed with an AI CSS generator and Custom CSS feature

In case you need more sophisticated customizations, the platform offers an AI tool that will generate CSS based on your needs. You can write a prompt like ‘Change the button colors to light blue’, and it will apply the change to all buttons. Or, if you are familiar with CSS you can use the Custom CSS feature to write your own design specifications:

Custom CSS settings for Instagram feed on website

Further customizations for your Instagram feed

Le présent agrégateur de médias sociaux let’s you apply your brand voice by customizing your feed with different colors and fonts, layout options, backgrounds, CTAs, and much more.

To unleash your creativity and make your Instagram feed truly impressive, navigate to the Settings, Layout, and Design tabs and play around with the following options:

  • Define how many posts to show on desktop or mobile;
  • Choose the alignment of the Instagram images top, left, bottom, or right of the caption;
  • Define the font family and the localization language of the widget;
  • Re-arrange the order of the posts in the Moderation tab;
  • Customize the size of your images;
  • Choose to link images to Instagram or in lightbox;
  • Change the widget title, font, and color of the title;
  • Change the layout of the feed;
  • Use CSS editor to design a custom feed style.

You can also use various moderation tools to choose the content you want displayed on your website, which is very important when organizing hashtag giveaways or contests that you display on your website. Usually, these posts are from numerous Instagram users and need additional curation before appearing on your website.

Live demos of Instagram widget templates

Visit this Instagram widget templates library to check every layout you can use. However, note that customization is limited in the free version:

If you want to see every feature in action, follow the links below to the live demos:

With these exclusive Instagram widget options, you will definitely stand out from the crowd, provide fresh content, and create a very interactive website!

What types of Instagram feeds can you embed?

EmbedSocial provides direct integration with Instagram, allowing users to embed different types of Feeds, such as:

  • Intégrer les Stories Instagram—when choosing this option, users are able to select an Instagram account from which they will be able to pull the Instagram stories in the same way when generating the Instagram posts;
  • Embed Instagram Reels—Instagram Reels are the video format on Instagram, and when connecting the Instagram account, you will only need to select the posts that have videos. To make sure you display the Reels in vertical format, just use a Setting in the Card layout that will make the videos look like Reels;
  • Embed Instagram Mentions—this is the UGC option which when specifically selected will trigger the API hook to generate the posts that other people published including a mention of your brand. This is a great way to monitor what people say about you on Instagram but it also makes it possible to collect and embed UGC on your website;
  • Embed Instagram Hashtag Feeds—this is a great type of feed to collect posts that use a specified hashtag or multiple hashtags;
  • Embed posts from a Business account—this is for the users that have business accounts connected with their Facebook page. This is a case when brands have switched from personal to professional accounts;
  • Embed posts from a Personal account—this option allows personal Instagram accounts to generate and embed Instagram photos and posts.

Embarquer Flux Instagram sur votre site web sans lever le petit doigt !

Générer et intégrer un widget Instagram avec votre flux, vos mentions ou vos hashtags directement sur votre site web.

Démarrer l'essai gratuit de 7 jours

Pour information : vous pouvez intégrer automatiquement un widget Instagram à l'aide d'un sagrégateur de médias sociauxLe site Web de l'entreprise est un outil de travail qui permet de donner vie à votre site Web grâce à un contenu frais.

Examples of Instagram feeds embedded on websites

Nowadays, a website rarely doesn’t display flux de médias sociaux. Most of them showcase interactive Instagram galleries of all their posts or a feed of contenu généré par l'utilisateur collected using Hashtags Instagram.

1. Babies R Us displays Instagram posts from their own events and customers

See how Babies R Us uses an Instagram slider widget to display some of the posts customers share on Instagram when visiting their Mama Club events.

By doing so, they enhance the engagement and interest of potential moms who can see the behind-the-scenes and get an urge to book a ticket for the next event.

Example of Instagram feed from Babies r us

2. Stranger Things shows off its fans’ Instagram posts

Here is an example of an Instagram feed on a website showcasing the Stranger Things (en anglais) experience, which creates feeds with other peoples’ posts mentioning the brand:

example of Instagram feed on website.

3. Aeroblend’s Instagram feed

Aeroblend is a cosmetics brand that has created a very effective and aesthetically pleasing Instagram widget that showcases their products’ effects on the faces of real customers:

aeroblend instagram widget on website example

4. Instagram slider for skin care services

 Martina Collins Dental & Skin Clinic is in the service industry where having reviews and user-generated content by existing clients is essential to bring more customers.

They use both a Widget des avis de Google and an Instagram slider to showcase the experiences of their satisfied customers.

En voici un exemple :

Example of an Instagram slider for a Skin care and dentist service.

5. Shoppable widget for Tumi

Tumi Korea integrates EmbedSocial’s widget on its website to display Instagram posts. These posts feature real-life images of their products shared by users or the brand’s Instagram account.

Each Instagram post showcased in the widget is tagged with relevant product information, including the name, price, and a direct link to the product page.

The widget provides potential customers with an engaging and visually appealing way to see the products in action. It leverages user-generated content (UGC) to create a sense of authenticity and trust.

Users are seamlessly redirected to the product’s page on Tumi’s website by clicking on the tagged products within the Instagram posts. This reduces the friction in the purchasing process, making it easier for users to buy the products they see and like.

Example of shoppable Instagram widget

See more Instagram feed examples to learn how others embed their Instagram photos and videos and get inspired to do better!

Best free tools for embedding your Instagram feed

These are the best tools you can use to embed your Instagram feed on your website:

1. EmbedSocial

As mentioned above, EmbedSocial is one of the best Instagram apps or plugins for websites that offer more advanced solutions for displaying Instagram photos on WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, HTML websites, or other web platforms.

Its PRO version has various advanced features, including using other social networks, embedding Instagram feeds from hashtags, and moderating Instagram feeds.

Plus, it allows curating Instagram hashtag walls and collecting posts that other users publish mentioning your Instagram account.

So if you need all that and real-time auto-updates, analytics, and a fantastic customer support team are available, EmbedSocial is your choice.

The best feature is integrating with all major social media platforms and creating social feeds with all your user-generated content.

Remarque : All active users get constant updates like Custom CSS functionalities and great templates that fit any webpage.

EmbedFeed share

Le présent social media content aggregator helps people sync their own and their customers’ content with their website quickly and without any coding skills required. 

We achieved this by having a direct and approved API integration with the Instagram platform. Here are the main features you will get with EmbedSocial:

  • Complete social media aggregator: Not just for content published on Instagram but also on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Vimeo, and other social media networks;
  • Easy setup: The widget can be installed quickly and effortlessly, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise;
  • Design personnalisable : The widget offers a range of customization options, allowing users to match the design of the Instagram feed to their website’s look and feel. Users can modify the layout, colors, and fonts to suit their preferences;
  • Responsive display: The Instagram Feed widget automatically adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions, ensuring a seamless user experience across various devices such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones;
  • Content moderation & filtering: Users can choose to display specific posts by applying hashtag, username, or location filters. This allows for greater control over the content being showcased on the website;
  • Automatic updates: The widget updates in real-time, ensuring that the latest Instagram posts are always displayed on the website without any manual intervention;
  • Media lightbox: The widget offers a built-in lightbox feature, enabling users to view high-resolution images and videos directly on the website without leaving the page;
  • Dedicated customer success team: We can guide you through all the steps and fill in some of the requests quickly. So feel free to talk with us via live chat;
  • Built-in analytics: The platform supports integration with Google Analytics and provides built-in analytics that show data such as views and clicks on the widgets;
  • Shoppable feeds & product tagging: You can add interactive links on your feeds of specific products, including their info, such as price and actual product images. 
Link In Bio Instagram Feed

Feedlink is one of the best influencer marketing tools you could get nowadays and your go-to tool for showcasing Instagram feeds right in your link in bio page.

Think of it as a bridge that connects your Instagram posts to your link in bio website, helping you keep your audience engaged with fresh, social content. Whether you’re using Instagram or Threads, Feedlink has got you covered.

Here’s the cool part: Feedlink is about displaying your Instagram posts in your own way!

Feedlink lets you customize the appearance of your Instagram feed to match your brand’s vibe. And for those of you who are selling products, tagging them in your posts is a breeze. This means your visitors can shop your products directly through your posts, making their shopping experience seamless and fun.

Additionally, Feedlink allows embedding a post from Threads, which you can integrate into your link in bio page in a few clicks, ensuring that your content stays fresh and engaging.

Besides these two fantastic options, here are additional free methods for adding your Instagram feed to your website:

3. Instagram’s official embedding option

Instagram offers an easy embed feature that lets you add an Instagram post on WordPress:

  1. Open your Instagram business app in the browser;
  2. Open the image you want to embed and choose the 3 dots menu in the upper right corner;
  3. Choose the option Embed' (Intégrer) and copy the code;
  4. Open your WordPress editor and go to the page where you want that post to appear;
  5. Select the area of the editor where you want to add the code and click on the + icon;
  6. Sélectionnez l'option Embed' (Intégrer) block and paste the image URL in the input field;
  7. Cliquez sur 'Mise à jour‘ (or ‘Avant-première‘) to see your embedded Instagram feed.
instagram embed for free

Check Instagram’s official embedding guide.

While simple, this method comes with certain limitations:

  • You can embed only one post at a time, and
  • There’s no customization, moderation, or analytics options.

4. 3rd-party Instagram feed plugins for WordPress and other builders

EmbedSocial is among the best WordPress Instagram plugins, as it provides a free version for embedding Instagram feeds.

That said, there are plenty of other tools that can help you achieve the same results.

So you should check out the WordPress plugin directory or the shop of your chosen website builder to see if you can find a plugin you like better.

Remember: Instagram is continuously changing its API, and you need a professional tool with Instagram API access. EmbedSocial can provide this functionality as it’s already compliant with the latest API changes.

Learn more about these new significant Instagram API changes.

Benefits of adding an Instagram Feed to your website

So, why should you display the Instagram feed on your website?

From showing and keeping your Instagram users up to date with new products to directly selling your inventory, Instagram comes with various advantages for your business.

Displaying an Instagram feed of authentic photos created from your account will increase user engagement and time on site, turning visitors into followers.

That said, when you embed an Instagram feed you:

  1. Expand your social presence,
  2. Provide real-time, fresh, and beautiful content via your website,
  3. Affichage preuve sociale of the quality of your business,
  4. Store and analyze user-generated content,
  5. Extend the reach of your brand content beyond Instagram,
  6. Save time and resources to produce content for your website,
  7. Increase engagement and the possibility of gaining more Instagram followers,
  8. Build brand trust on your website and boost conversions.

Probably the most valuable benefit for e-commerce brands is the ability to showcase user-generated content in social proof forms.

This means that having the opportunity to auto-sync content real people produce about their actual usage of a particular product is priceless proof that helps build trust in e-commerce websites and drive prospective customers’ purchasing decisions.

Key takeaways: Use a social media aggregator!

Congratulations on learning how to extend the reach of your Instagram activity via your website and beyond Instagram’s mobile app!

Remember: using a user-generated content platform is a very efficient strategy to attract potential customers with your social media content.

As a full social media aggregator, EmbedSocial generates social media content from all major social media networks, has moderation options for full control over your Instagram posts, and gives you options to embed multiple Instagram feed widgets across various websites.

Hopefully, these Instagram widgets will help you offer a unique experience for your website visitors, and if you need further help, contact us at any time!


Embarquer Flux Instagram sur votre site web sans lever le petit doigt !

Générer et intégrer un widget Instagram avec votre flux, vos mentions ou vos hashtags directement sur votre site web.

Démarrer l'essai gratuit de 7 jours

Pour information : vous pouvez intégrer automatiquement un widget Instagram à l'aide d'un sagrégateur de médias sociauxLe site Web de l'entreprise est un outil de travail qui permet de donner vie à votre site Web grâce à un contenu frais.

EmbedSocial currently integrates with all major social media platforms, and the integrations are done through official API access for Instagram embed. Plus, they allow you to do more than just embed Facebook feeds. You can:

For any additional inquiries, you can always contact our support team with a click on the bottom right chat icon.

FAQs about embedding Instagram feeds

What does embed Instagram mean? 

To embed means to display something on a website. In a more technical definition, embed Instagram refers to ‘PASTE a code’ that will show an interface of Instagram posts, usually in an iFrame as a widget, on a web page’s position where the code was placed. To that, embedding Instagram means displaying an Instagram feed on a website. 

How do I get the embed code from my Instagram post?

To embed a single Instagram post, open the post on a PC, click the top-right 3 dots icon, and click Embed. A pop-up will display the embed code.

How do I embed Instagram feed code? 

​To embed a code, usually, you will need to send the code to the website developer, or if you use WordPress, you can copy and paste the code into an HTML block in your WordPress page and embed an Instagram gallery just like that.

Can I add an Instagram feed plugin for the website?

Yes, you can add an Instagram feed plugin to your website. Various plugins, both free and premium, can help you showcase your Instagram feed on your site. Check the social media feeds WordPress plugin to embed paid or free widgets from the EmbedSocial platform.

Where can I show my Instagram feed on websites?

Common places to showcase the feed include the homepage, sidebar, footer, or on a dedicated “Instagram Gallery” page. The choice depends on your website layout, your goals for featuring the Instagram content, and the level of prominence you want to give your feed.

How do I make my Instagram feed interactive with links?

The Instagram feeds created with EmbedSocial’s editor can be transformed into interactive widgets by adding custom CTA links or even tagging product information on the feed photos. To do this, open the feed in the editor, click on the Links tab, and choose to add one link to all photos or add a particular link or product tag to each image separately.

Add links on Instagram feed widget

Qu'est-ce qu'un agrégateur de médias sociaux ?

Agrégateur de médias sociaux is a tool that generates posts published on social media networks and help analyze, moderate, and display on your website.

Do you need permission to embed Instagram posts on your website?

When considering embedding an Instagram feed on your website, you typically do not require explicit permission from the individual post creators. This is because the functionality to embed is provided directly by Instagram, implying a level of consent for sharing.

Can you make your Instagram feed shoppable?

Yes, you can make your Instagram feed shoppable and seamlessly integrate this functionality when you display the Instagram feed on your website.

How do I embed an Instagram feed in an iFrame?

The widgets have their own iFrame code, which you can get after you open the Instagram feed widget in the editor, and in the left-hand Paramètres panel click the option iFrame code. In the popup, you can choose different code versions with fixed height or fixed width. 

Instagram feed iframe code

PDG d'EmbedSocial 

Nikola Bojkov est le PDG d'EmbedSocial, un entrepreneur qui transforme les problèmes en produits. Avec plus d'une décennie d'expérience pratique avec les API des médias sociaux, il guide EmbedSocial dans son rôle de partenaire technique pour les PME et les grandes agences, en maximisant l'impact de leur contenu généré par les utilisateurs. EmbedSocial a des bureaux à Skopje, Tokyo et Lisbonne et compte plus de 250 000 utilisateurs.