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Learn more about our view limit per widget
Learn more about our view limit per widget

Learn more about total widget views and the monthly limit for the free plan

Didi avatar
Written by Didi
Updated over 2 months ago

In this article, you will learn how we calculate the widget views and why these numbers might differ from those in your other analytics tools. Discover how widget views work within EmbedSocial and how you can effectively monitor and manage them to maximize your website’s social engagement and performance. Additionally, you'll learn about the view limits per widget in our free plan.

What are widget views?

A widget view is counted each time someone loads the page where your widget is embedded. Every time a visitor accesses a page where the widget is displayed, one view is counted.

Please note that: The views do represent the total number of times the widget is loaded, not the number of individual visitors to the page. A view does not equate to interactions or clicks on the widget itself. Views are counted even if the visitor doesn't see the widget. For example, if the widget is at the bottom of the page and the visitor doesn't scroll down, it still registers as a view.

Please note that the number of widget views affects our free plan. If your website experiences higher traffic [more than 5000 views per month], you will need to upgrade to a higher plan.

Understanding view limits per widget

View limits are counted every month and apply to the whole account, not to individual widgets or websites. This means that if you have multiple widgets from the same EmbedSocial account or the same widget placed on different pages, the views will accumulate. For example, loading two widgets from the same account on a single page will count as two separate views.

If you notice that your views are being used up more quickly than expected, please check these points:

Where the widget is embedded - If you embed the widget on every page of your site instead of just one specific page, the widget will receive more views compared to being embedded on only a single page.

Number of widgets you create in one account - The view limit for each account is shared across all your widgets. The limit for the free plan is 5000 views per month, and this total applies to all the widgets you’ve created, not 5000 views for each individual widget.

Number of Websites - The more websites you embed your widgets on, the more views your widgets will have.

Your views as owner - To ensure that your own interactions with the widgets do not count towards your view limits, make sure you are logged into your EmbedSocial account from the same browser and device you use to manage your website.

Note: Views are counted each time a widget loads on your website. Please note that Google Analytics and other tools track views differently, which can cause discrepancies with EmbedSocial's statistics.

Monitor view limits inside your EmbedSocial account

If you reach the limit of 5,000 views per month with your free plan, please note that the widget will be disabled on your website until the next month. Alternatively, you can reactivate it immediately by upgrading to one of our paid plans. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us via live chat or at

Here you can learn more about our pricing plans.

In order to monitor the total number of views, you will need to:

1. Navigate to the 'Widgets' tab and the total count will be shown in the top-right corner:

Navigating to the widgets tab to see the total widget views

If you hover over the number of views, you will find the date when it resets.

You can contact us anytime by clicking on the Blue button on the bottom right corner of your screen, or contact us at

We'll be more than happy to assist you.

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