How to Respond to Google Reviews: Complete Guide for Businesses

Learn how to respond to Google reviews effectively to build trust, improve your reputation, and enhance customer relationships with this step-by-step guide.

respond to google reviews

Saviez-vous que 95% de clients check product reviews when shopping?

It’s true! And on top of that, when they see you responding to commentaires des clients, they tend to trust you and your products and services more than your competitors!

As such, examens en ligne are an important step in the consumer decision-making journey as a deciding factor when it comes to boosting your sales!

However, you must learn how to respond to Google reviews in addition to getting more of them, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.

So, I am about to tell you how to do it the right way!

How to reply to Google reviews on a desktop?

The best way to respond to Google reviews is directly via your Profil d'entreprise Google, which is available via Google Search and as a separate platform:

How to respond to a Google review via your Google Business Profile dashboard?

Responding to Google reviews via your Tableau de bord en GBP is very easy:

  1. Find your business via Google Search;
  2. Robinet ‘Read reviews’ from your GBP dashboard;
  3. Choose a review to respond to and tap Réponse;
  4. Write and send out your public reply.
replying to a google review via google business profile dashboard

How to respond to reviews on Google Business Profile Manager?

Responding via GBP Manager is the second easiest method:

  1. Use your business email to log into;
  2. Aller à la page ‘Reviews‘ tab from the left ribbon menu;
  3. Find a review to respond to and tap Réponse;
  4. Rédigez votre réponse et cliquez sur ‘Post Reply’.
replying to a google review via google business profile manager

How to reply to a Google review via Google Maps on a desktop?

Last but not least, you can also find and reply to all your Google reviews by accessing the Google Maps platform via any desktop browser:

  1. Log into Google using your business email;
  2. Navigate to Google Maps via Search;
  3. Recherche with your business name;
  4. Appuyez sur la touche Onglet "Critiques and find a review to reply to;
  5. Cliquez sur Réponse, type in your response, and send the reply.
replying to google review via desktop google maps

When you get a new review, Google immediately sends you an email with a quick reply link. That way, you only need to tap the link to write and publish your reply:

Just tap Répondre à l'avis to get to the review:

email notification that you got a Google review

Then, type out your Google review response and tap Réponse:

replying to a google review via gbp dashboard

How do you respond to a Google review from your phone?

If you are wondering: “Can you respond to a Google review from your phone?”, there’s no need to worry since the Google Maps app offers that functionality to all users:

  1. Ouvrez votre Google Maps app on Android or iPhone;
  2. Appuyez sur la touche Onglet "Entreprises en bas à droite ;
  3. Cliquez sur Critiques from the top ribbon menu;
  4. Find the review you want to reply to;
  5. Appuyez sur la touche Réponse button underneath it;
  6. Write your response and click Réponse.
replying to google reviews from google maps app

Why use a third-party review management platform?

Pour faciliter le processus, nous avons conçu EmbedSocial-a complet online reputation management platform that helps you easily deal with customer reviews:

embedsocial ai reviews management platform landing page

Best of all, EmbedSocial has a Google API connection and can access other social media review sites, which makes it the best choice for gestion de l'examen.

You can do every review management task from one dashboard, such as connecting multiple Google locations, combining reviews from multiple sources, responding to individual or groups of reviews, and setting up an autoresponder.

To help you, we’ve added a slew of Outils de gestion des examens alimentés par l'IA:

  • AI-powered reviews responder
  • AI-powered reviews generator
  • AI-powered reviews summarizer
  • AI-powered CSS in the widgets editor

How to respond to a review on Google via third-party software?

To respond to a Google review using EmbedSocial, follow these steps:

  1. Se connecter to EmbedSocial or Commencez votre essai gratuit;
  2. Ajouter Google as a source in EmbedSocial;
    • You will have to log into Google and approve the connection.
  3. Aller à la page Onglet "Tous les avis via the left ribbon menu;
  4. Find a review you want to respond to and tap ‘Reply’;
  5. Write your response and tap Envoyer la réponse.

That’s it! 2Now your response will automatically appear underneath the corresponding review on your Profil d'entreprise Google dashboard and manager.

Here’s a sneak peek into one of our latest Outils d'examen alimentés par l'IA:

embedsocial ai review responder tool in action

How to set up the Google review autoresponder function?

Setting up EmbedSocial’s Autorépondeur pour l'évaluation de Google function is very easy, and it allows you to automatically send out a reply to each review you receive. Plus, you can set up different responses depending on the star rating of the reviews you receive.

That way, you will immediately send out appropriate replies for different types of responses, from 1 and 2-star reviews to excellent 5-star Google reviews.

Here are the steps for setting up our autoresponder feature:

Étape 1 : Log into EmbedSocial and tap ‘Autoresponder’ from the ribbon menu;

Étape 2 : Cliquez sur le bouton en haut à droite ‘Add Autoresponder’ button and choose Google:

accessing the autoresponder function in embedsocial

Étape 3 : Choose your Google location where you want the autoresponder to be active. Or add another Google location that is not yet connected to the platform:

choosing your google location in embedsocial

Étape 4 : Turn on and add details to your autoresponder, such as the reply message itself, the star rating to which it will apply, and whether or not it includes an image:

setting up the embedsocial autoresponder

Une fois que vous tap ‘Save’, your autoresponder will be live, and you can set up different autoresponders for all the different star ratings for a completely hands-off approach.

Lire la suite :


Recueillir des avis, des commentaires et afficher des widgets de témoignages à grande échelle!

Utiliser le formulaire complet logiciel de gestion des examens de générer et d'afficher des informations sur Google widgets d'évaluation sur votre site web.

Démarrer l'essai gratuit de 7 jours

Comment répondre aux critiques positives ?

It’s exciting when you receive praise for your work, right?

You can easily achieve that as long as you provide top-notch service. Then, your customers will start recommending your brand on Google and different social media.

However, you have to ensure your satisfied customers feel noticed by sending out equally kind réponses positives à l'examen to their feedback.

Here are a few tips for doing exactly that:

  • Personnalisez votre réponse—keep responses personal by mentioning customer names, letting them know their feedback is being taken seriously and that you are not just copying what they have written but truly understand and care about their issues;
  • Répondre en temps utile—you must be responsive when a customer gives your feedback about your brand or services, as that shows them that you care and will improve their experience! So, don’t take too long to respond!
  • Suivre l'avis de l'évaluateur—you need to match your customer’s enthusiasm for your product and keep that same level of excitement going. If they elaborate on their experience, don’t just keep it short and sweet, but vibe with that enthusiasm!

Exemples de réponses à des critiques positives

Finding the right answer each time you receive positive feedback can be time-consuming. That’s why using some positive review response examples is a good practice:

Response #1

Nous vous remercions pour vos aimables paroles [Nom du client],

Je suis heureux d'apprendre que [Nom de l'entreprise] a été un excellent endroit où séjourner !

We’re always happy when our customers get the chance to experience what it means to be part of [Business Name] and are grateful for your feedback about [Employee Name], who is an important member of our team.

We’ll make sure he/she sees this review so she knows how much her efforts meant to you!

Response #2

[Nom du client], merci pour vos commentaires ! 

Nous aimons connaître les plats préférés de nos clients et nous sommes heureux d'apprendre que vous avez apprécié [Produit/Service].

We take pride in sourcing high-quality ingredients from local farms whenever possible, so it’s wonderful to know that you were able to taste the difference in our food.

It sounds like you have a good handle on what makes our wings so special – we’ll pass this information along to the kitchen team as well!

Comment répondre aux critiques négatives ?

No one likes bad reviews, but you’ll get some sooner or later!

Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. As long as you know how to manage negative reviews, you can turn a dissatisfied customer into a brand ambassador.

That’s why responding to negative Google reviews should be a gestion de l'examen priority at all times. Here’s how you should respond:

  • Garder son calme—don’t take it personally and try to understand why the customer had a bad experience with your brand so you can make things right;
  • Personnalisez votre réponse—personalization is very important when it comes to negative review responses, as it lets your customer know you are a real person;
  • S'excuser et compatir—take responsibility for what happened. Let your customers know you’re sorry and that you understand the customer concerns;
  • Essayer d'arranger les choses—apologizing without changing your behavior is meaningless, right? So, offer to make things right. Ask the person who has given you feedback what can be done for them to feel better, and take it from there.

Exemples de réponses à des critiques négatives

What do you say when dealing with angry customers? To help you out, I’ve prepared a few negative review response examples to use right now:

Response #1

Merci pour vos commentaires [Nom du client].

Je suis désolé d'apprendre votre expérience et nous allons nous pencher sur la question. Normalement, nous ne refusons pas de personnes, il semble donc que vous ayez été refusé par erreur ou dans des circonstances inhabituelles.

Veuillez m'envoyer un courriel à l'adresse suivante : [Adresse électronique] avec plus de détails : [Nous enquêterons sur ce qui s'est passé et ferons en sorte que cela ne se reproduise plus à l'avenir !

Response #2

[Customer Name], I’m sorry to hear that your experience at our [Business] was less than stellar.

We’re always working on improving the customer service aspect of our business and are committed to providing a positive environment for all customers.

Je ne manquerai pas de leur transmettre vos commentaires sur le personnel de la réception de [Nom de l'entreprise] afin qu'ils fassent de leur mieux à l'avenir. Nous vous remercions de nous avoir fait part de ce qui s'est passé lors de votre visite - nous vous en sommes reconnaissants !

Comment gérer les faux avis ?

Last but not least, you may also come across some suspicious reviews.

Regardless of whether they might be positive or negative, fake reviews can seriously hurt your brand and réputation dans les médias sociaux. There are some telltale signs to them:

  • They are extremely negative or extremely positive
  • They lack crucial details about the product or service
  • They are posted by someone with a spotty review history
  • They utilize the same phrases across many reviews

There are ways to have such a review deleted if you believe you have found one!

However, since businesses are not allowed to directly remove reviews left by their customers, you will either have to flag the review for deletion hoping Google will take care of it, or contact the reviewer asking them to delete the review.

In the meantime, you can respond to the fake Google review and slightly let the fake reviewer know that you’re aware of the situation. Use this template:

Bonjour, [Faux nom du client],

Nous prenons ces questions très au sérieux. Malheureusement, nous n'avons aucune trace ou souvenir de votre expérience avec nous, et nous ne pouvons pas non plus vérifier votre identité à partir de votre nom dans nos dossiers.

Si vous avez fait affaire avec nous, nous aimerions examiner ce problème plus en détail. Veuillez contacter immédiatement [Nom du responsable] à [Email/Numéro de téléphone] afin que nous puissions résoudre ce problème.

If none of the above works, you can either file a legal removal request or try to contact Google’s staff across social media or on Google’s support forum.

Pourquoi répondre aux avis Google ?

First of all, most of your customers would love to hear back from you:

respond to reviews stats

Rappelez-vous : engaging with Google reviews is more than just a good practice—it’s a powerful strategy for building trust and improving your online reputation.

Why? Well, most of your customers will first flock to your reviews page when deciding whether or not to do business with you to see what others think.

That said, here’s why responding to reviews matters:

mind map showcasing the benefits of responding to google reviews
  • Boost customer trust—acknowledging feedback shows customers that their opinions matter, making them more likely to return;
  • Enhance référencement local—Google favors businesses that engage with reviews, helping you rank higher in search results and on Google Maps;
  • Strengthen brand reputation—a thoughtful response demonstrates professionalism and commitment to customer satisfaction;
  • Encourager la multiplication des avis—when customers see that you actively respond, you’ll most likely collect more reviews for your website from them;
  • Turn negatives into positives—addressing critical feedback properly can turn an unhappy customer into a loyal one.

As you can see, by making review responses a habit, you improve your brand’s credibility, attract more customers, and maintain a strong online presence.

Conclusion: Get trust with Google reviews!

When it comes down to it, both positive and negative feedback is extremely useful. While critiques positives help potential customers see the value of your brand, critiques négatives offer a great opportunity to improve your products and services!

Therefore, responding to all of your reviews (as long as they are not spam) offers you a chance to show your customers that you value their contribution!

However, in addition to fostering loyalty and improving your credibility, engaging with reviews also helps you enhance your réputation en ligne and boost your référencement local.

So, if you want people to share good things about your brand and be more visible in search results, you should learn how to respond to Google reviews right away!

Also, streamline your efforts with a complete plateforme de gestion des examens comme EmbedSocial to see your reviews’ long-term benefits!


Intégrer le widget Google Reviews

Collecter automatiquement et intégrer les avis de Google et utilisez les outils de gestion des évaluations de l'IA pour libérer le potentiel de vente de votre site web.

Démarrer l'essai gratuit de 7 jours

POUR INFO: Vous pouvez automatiquement intégrer le widget Google reviews sur votre site web et afficher des commentaires authentiques générés par les utilisateurs, augmentant ainsi la confiance et augmentant les ventes. Essayez-le maintenant.

FAQs about responding to Google reviews

Can you respond to Google reviews?

Yes, you can respond to Google reviews through your Gestionnaire de profil d'entreprise Google or directly via Google Search to build customer trust and improve your online reputation.

Cela vaut-il la peine de répondre aux avis de Google ?

Absolutely! Responding to Google reviews shows you value commentaires des clients, enhances your credibility, and improves référencement local by signaling engagement to Google.

How to reply to a review on Google?

Log in to your Google Business Profile, navigate to the “Reviews” tab, find the review you want to reply to, click “Reply,” write your response, and click “Post Reply.”

How to write a Google review response for a negative review?

Stay professional, acknowledge the issue, apologize if necessary, and offer a solution. Personalize your response and, if needed, take the conversation offline to resolve the matter.

Why is the Google review reply not working?

If you can’t reply to a Google review, ensure you’re logged into the correct account, your business is verified, and there are no temporary Google issues affecting responses.

How do I respond to a Google review from my phone?

To respond to a Google review from your phone, open your Google Maps, tap the ‘Business’ tab in the lower-right corner, find the review you want to respond to and write a reply.

Can you reply to Google reviews if you are signed out?

No, you must be signed in to your Google Business Profile account to reply to Google reviews. If you’re signed out, you won’t see the reply option and won’t be able to manage your reviews. Log in to your account to access and respond to customer feedback.


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PDG d'EmbedSocial 

Nikola Bojkov est le PDG d'EmbedSocial, un entrepreneur qui transforme les problèmes en produits. Avec plus d'une décennie d'expérience pratique avec les API des médias sociaux, il guide EmbedSocial dans son rôle de partenaire technique pour les PME et les grandes agences, en maximisant l'impact de leur contenu généré par les utilisateurs. EmbedSocial a des bureaux à Skopje, Tokyo et Lisbonne et compte plus de 250 000 utilisateurs.