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Learn everything about creating online forms and using our form builder.

Getting started

Your go-to collection for beginners, offering step-by-step guidance and essential information to kickstart your journey with EmbedForms

EmbedForms Demo: Create an online formSteps and instructions on how to create an online form using EmbedForms
How Can I Embed My Form on My Website?Steps on how you can embed a form on website.
How to embed forms in WordPressSteps and instructions on how you can embed your form in WordPress
How to Get Ready-To-Use Form TemplatesUse our predefined templates gallery to start creating your first form
How to change my company logo to my Form?How to change your company logo and upload a new logo for your business.
How to Collect Files Using EmbedForms?Learn how to add a question that gives customers the option to submit files in their response
How to embed my form as a JS TriggerHow can I embed my form as a JS trigger?
How to make a form with one question per page?Learn how to make a multiple-page form, with one question per page
How to receive more responses, using the email request option?Use our email request option, to send your form to your customers or employees for an email feedback!
How to customize your form using Custom CSSSteps on how to customize a form with Custom CSS in EmbedForms.
How to change the title of the form, and add a description?Add description and change the title of the form.
View the Responses You Collect With EmbedFormsLearn how to view each response you collected in your Form
How to receive notifications on your email address, when a new response is submitted?Receive a notification on your email address, when someone responds back to your form, so you can read the response and get notified on time
How to Change a Form Theme?Customise your Form by choosing one of our various themes.
Setup Slack Notifications for Form ResponsesHow to receive slack notifications when there's a new response to your Form!