Access Google Business Profile API to outsmart|outrank competitors

Maximize the potential of your Google Business Profile with our seamless API integration, exclusive features, and dedicated support team.

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Image Description
Having access to the Google Business API is a must for EmbedSocial. It allows us to seamlessly integrate user-generated content directly from Google reviews into our platform, providing our users with authentic, real-time feedback. This enhances their ability to build trust, engage customers, and ultimately drive growth by showing the power of genuine customer experiences.

Nikola Bojkov

CEO at EmbedSocial
Why do you need access to GBP API?

Solve common issues with GBP API access

Access to the Google Business Profile API will provide you with enhanced functionalities beyond the standard Google Business Profile, such as bulk updating information, granting specific access to different parts of the platform, and streamlining the Google reviews management process for multiple locations.

Limited access to review data

Users without access to the Google Business API cannot easily extract and analyze their Google reviews, making it challenging to gather insights and respond to customer feedback efficiently.

Risk of losing access

Reliance on agencies or employees to manage Google Business profiles can lead to unauthorized changes, access revocation, data security breaches, and dependency issues, potentially resulting in lost control and management challenges.

Lost Google reviews

Users without the API may find it difficult to back up their reviews, which could lead to the loss of valuable customer feedback if their Google Business account is affected by issues or changes in Google’s policies.

Management of multiple locations

Managing and updating each profile individually without the API can be cumbersome for businesses with multiple locations, leading to inconsistencies and increased administrative workload.

What can you do with EmbedSocial’s Google Business API Access?

EmbedSocial builds an interface with extended functionalities that are unavailable in the current Google business profile dashboard.

Reviews aggregation
Aggregate all your Google reviews and never lose access to your reviews

EmbedSocial will fetch all your reviews, store, and organize them without worrying if, for some reason, your profile is suspended or the interface doesn’t show all the reviews.

✔️ Reviews auto collection from multiple locations.
✔️ Auto-sync with multiple websites
✔️ Ability to search, tag and organize


Reviews responding
Increase average response time to get a higher ranking

Average response time on Google reviews is a ranking factor, and using a complete Google responder will help you achieve this for multiple locations. The responding features to help you achieve this include:

✔️ Receive reviews alerts via email or on Slack
✔️ Setup auto-responder for negative reviews
✔️ Get AI response suggestions


GBP Access control
Remove any risk of unauthorized access

Give sub-accounts to employees or agencies to see reports or respond to reviews, but do not give the actual GBP access to do the same. This will protect you from future accidental loss of access to your own profile.


GBP publishing
Publish and schedule posts on multiple Google locations

Having access to the Google business API will allow you to use a tool to schedule Google updates that you can publish on multiple locations at the same time – you won’t need to separately login and publish the same posts on multiple GBPs.


GBP analytics
Track GBP health score and create custom GBP dashboards (coming soon)

Get a full overview of the review analytics and rating over time on your GBP. Plus, get analytics of the clicks, views, and keywords used to engage with your profile. Use filters per location and date to save time when aggregating reports.


Join 250,000+ users who love EmbedSocial

Loved by 250,000+ big and small brands. World-famous and local


Get access to Google business profile API now.

Try our complete Google business profile and reviews management software for 7 days free. Including all advanced features.

$29.00per month

Sign up for a complete Google business profile and reviews management software.

+ Built for multiple locations
+ Google reviews management
+ Google reviews responder
+ GMB scheduling and publishing
+ Unlimited reviews widgets
+ GBP dashboards (soon)

All features included.


Official GBP API

EmbedSocial has official API integrations with Google to provide access to unique features.


Unlimited widgets

Create unlimited widgets that load fast on your website and increase engagement.


Cancel anytime

If it’s not for you, cancel with no hidden costs or fees.


Money back

100% guaranteed money back. No questions asked.

What our users are saying:


TrovaTrip increased booking conversion rates by 12% with customer testimonials in just 4 weeks

Nick Poggi

The team at Embed Social is so easy to work with. They are very quick to respond to any special requests and fast to implement account changes. Aside from the great customer service, their products are also very easy to use and offer a lot of freedom that you can’t get with other similar products. Definitely recommend.

Ryan Hazlewood

EmbedSocial allows us to showcase social media content on our web pages in a way that’s both functional and vibrant. Their library of social feed designs integrates seamlessly with our existing components and is easy to use for page editors of all skill levels.

Zanna Ollove
Boston College

The experience with EmbedSocial has been amazing. We’re always looking for ways to leverage our time, so finding a product to keep our reviews fresh automatically was a no-brainer.

Brooks Hitzfield
Seven Sons

It has been pretty simple to display social proof with EmbedReviews, and their team has been great in assisting with technical implementation.

Eric Hnatov

We are spending half of what we previously did for our last review manager, and getting 100x more out of it! I honestly am amazed at what we are getting for the price. I wish we had switched to EmbedReviews years ago.

Kodi Duncan
3 Key Elements

FAQs about the Google Business Profile API and access with EmbedSocial

Have a specific question about using the GBP API access in EmbedSocial? Check the FAQ section below or click the bottom right chat icon and talk with us.

The Google Business Profile API is a tool that allows you to manage your GBP business information, reviews and analytics, with bigger control and efficiency compared to using the standard Google Business Profile dashboard.

Plus using the API via a third-party platform can give you access to specific features that your competitor doesn’t have, such as

1. Custom dashboards with analytics for multiple locations
2. Scheduling and publishing Google posts
3. Reviews aggregation at scale
4. Ability to sync reviews with widgets on website
5. Auto-responding to reviews to increase response time.
The API lets you quickly respond to reviews, monitor feedback in real-time, and analyze customer sentiment, helping you maintain a positive online reputation.
With the API, you can easily update and manage information for multiple locations at once, saving time and ensuring consistency across all your business profiles.
Setting up the API does require technical knowledge, and it require a maintaincence. That is why platforms like EmbedSocial with years experience in managing APIs can be a great start to get access to the GBP API benefits.
Yes, the API allows you to assign different levels of access to team members or partners, so they can only access specific parts of the platform that you authorize. Sub-accounts and controlled access is available in the EmbedSocial platform.
Absolutely! The API helps ensure that your business information is always up-to-date, allows for quick responses to reviews, and offers advanced features that can enhance your visibility and reputation online.