15 practical methods to get more Google reviews

We recently asked marketers and business owners to share their real experiences in collecting more Google reviews.

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What’s inside?!

These are real life experiences that will help you to get practical methods to get more reviews.

  • Unique ways to collect Google reviews.
  • Insights and practical steps.
  • Quotes from marketers and business owners.

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Frequently asked questions

If you have more questions feel free to chat with us.

About Google reviews

Google reviews are the most popular method to build online reputation online. Without Google reviews as a local business you will have hard time to standout from the competition. Other benefits include, SEO visibility, feedback generation and of course customer support.
According to official Google documentation, Google reviews impact SEO, and are a factor in their local search ranking algorithm which means that positive Google reviews can significantly increase your local search ranking.
First things first. Never avoid them. Address them and setup a positive approach to acnolage the issue, construct a welcoming answer and try to deascalate the situation. For more actual responses, check some review responses examples.

About reviews management software

Reviews management software such as EmbedSocial is a solution that enables multi location business aggregate reviews, manage and analyze sentiment at scale.
Google reviews NFC card is a NFC card that works with a near field technology to allow phones interact with the card. When tapped on the phone the phone will receive the link to the Google review form where customers can directly submit their review on the spot.
Yes, you can use EmbedSocial to collect Google reviews from multiple Google Business Profiles and locations.

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