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15 Instagram Reels Ideas To Help Businesses Inspire

Ideas of Instagram Reels

Long gone are the days when Instagram Reels was underestimated and considered TikTok’s smaller brother. Nowadays, Instagram reels are a valuable and super powerful asset, or should we say a marketing game-changer after the Instagram stories, that helps big and small businesses increase brand awareness and engagement.

However, creating these short videos takes creativity, and if you are struggling with it – you’re reading the right blog post because we will cover 15 Instagram Reels ideas to inspire you.

1. Take your followers behind the scenes

Taking your followers behind the scenes or BTS will satisfy your follower’s curiosity about how your products are made and what your work is composed of.

Chances are people wonder how things are done – so do take the time to share this with them. Creating such content will be a great way to start the conversation and learn more about each other.

For example, we can take the brand Shop Verie which shows how their campaigns are filmed behind the scenes.

2. Answer FAQs

It’s normal if your followers have questions; however, what will make you stand out if you make the time and the effort to answer these questions through reels?

Addressing your potential customer’s worries will show them you care and will ultimately show that you as a business are reliable and transparent about what you do – these two, in combination, will push people to purchase your product/services.

Here is a great example from the content creator and fitness instructor Syatt, who addresses one of the most common questions his wider audience has in his Reel.

3. How to educational videos

Educating your potential customers about how to do certain things can be an excellent chance to attract more of your target audience. In this way, you will be able to create a stronger bond with them and share your expertise.

For example, we can take the brand The Inkey List that creates a reel to help their potential customers learn how to read an INCI list (or what is every cosmetic product composed of).

4. Reply to comments from your followers

Replying to comments with a reel is another great way to engage with your followers and educate them about a certain topic.

For example, we can take the small business called Wild Fire Water and their reel showcasing how their naturally dyed clothing line won’t wash away.

At the same time, they are educating, engaging, and raising awareness about a certain topic.

5. Introduce yourself, and your brand’s values, and tell a story (get personal)

Don’t be scared to be bold and share more personal information about yourself, your brand’s values, how you started what you started an Instagram business, and how you got where you are.

Doing this will help you create a strong bond with your followers in an authentic way, help you attract new fans, and even build more trust.

For example, we can take the brand Vitality, which sells fitness clothes, and its founder, who shares one of the brand’s key pillars – which is giving back.

6. Involve influencers

Chances are you are not hearing this for the first time – but working with influencers (big or even micro-influencers) and having them create reels for your brand is a super powerful asset and, of course, now a full-time job for many people.

The absolute main benefit is reaching and engaging with more people beyond your followers.

For example, we can again take the Vitality clothing brand, which collaborated with a fashion influencer to promote its clothing line.

7. Community and employee spotlight (meet the team)

Let your team members be in the spotlight and give your brand a face.

Doing so will help you build a stronger connection with your audience and the team since people will be recognized and given credit for what they are doing.

For example, we can take Verve, a clothing brand with a reel that introduced their followers to the Toronto team (who’s in it, and what are their roles).

8. Offer tips and tricks

As many people say – sharing is caring, and we couldn’t agree more.

Caring for your customers consists of a few parts, and amongst them is sharing tips and tricks about something you know best and, in that way, helping them do it themselves. Additionally, this will help you build trust and increase engagement.

For example, we can take Shayna’s Taylor account, which shares tips for growing long hair and her hair care.

9. Pack some orders/Unboxing some products

Nowadays, people are increasingly into transparent businesses, so showing how you do things (behind the scenes) is super important. One of the things you can show is packing some orders. This way, you can showcase your products, the effort you put into packing every order, and/or other aspects, such as eco-friendly packaging, more appealing packaging, attention to detail, and more.

For example, we can take the Mama Moments business that sells Self-care gifts for moms, so in their “pack order” reels – they showcase what’s in one of their custom boxes.

10. Checklists/Listicles

Checklists and listicles reels are a great additional way to educate your audience and take them through a certain process. There are versatile ideas you can cover with this type of reel, depending on what you are selling/promoting. You can showcase how you do things, showcase the best features of your product, showcase how you do groceries shopping (for the food industry), or showcase how you start your day; – the options are truly limitless. Choose a trending song – and go for it!

For example, we can take Productivity and wellness influencer Life with Hope, who shares tips about planning your work day ahead to be more productive.

11. Promote a campaign

Promoting a campaign with ads or social media posts is “soo 2009 ”. Instead, filming Instagram reels is the way to go in 2022.

Creating reels around a specific campaign will help you create awareness around that topic, reach significantly more audiences, and engage with people more effectively.

For example, we can take the way Chiara Ferragni brand promoted their #lovefiercly campaign with a series of reels oriented around love and what love means for different couples. The reels, together with stories (which are now placed in highlights), aimed to promote a limited fashion line called “Love fiercely”.

Extra tip: their marketing team also created a unique hashtag #lovefiercly which now has more than 45.000 posts.

12. Create seasonal reels

When lacking inspiration – you can always turn to creating seasonal reels.

What does this mean?

Well, chances are you do know about the seasonal Christmas campaigns done by Coca-Cola, or how about the pumpkin latte/ Halloween season “being taken advantage of” every autumn?

Think about how you can take advantage of the seasons in your location – and start creating reels. Utilize the seasons to help you promote your seasonal products/extra services.

For example, we can take Moleskine, which produces stationery products. In spring, they have a limited Sakura notebook Sakura collection, and with this reel – they are promoting their products uniquely and more engagingly.

13. Publish user-generated reels

According to statistics, user-generated posts on social media channels have a 35% higher engagement rate than branded content.

Moreover, 92% of the consumers trust recommendations from other people more than any other source.

Extra tip: with a tool such as EmbedSocial you could bring your user-generated content across your website too (here’s how). Wondering why – visitors spend 90% more time on websites that include UGC galleries and thesr type of galleries enforce the purchase decision for 10%.

If you’re still not creating Instagram reels with UGC – now it’s the time to start, and here’s an inspiration too.

For example, we can take The Inkey List, a brand we’ve already mentioned, and a reel created by one of their users about how to use certain products and the benefits that come with them.

14. Reels to announce sales, discounts, or giveaways

Increasing sales is the ultimate goal of every marketer – and the best way to do just that is by taking advantage of Instagram reels creation.

There is no feature or certain challenge to help you with this – simply choose a piece of trending song and go with the flow. Stay aligned with your brand’s value and messaging and create the reel to promote that sale, special discount, or giveaway.

For example, here’s a reel created by the brand Vitality to promote their birthday month. With a reel, they announced a 30% off site-wide, free shipping, and an additional 30% off on certain items.

15. Try and stay true to your values and showcase more of your personality

In a world of “copy-cats” – being unique and true to yourself is appreciated now more than ever.

Don’t be scared to try and experiment with reels relevant to your audience and who you are (your interests and what you are promoting). Being bold can take you amazing places.

For example, we can take Laura Haley with a profile description “your virtual work bestie” working in a corporate environment and sharing super unique and relatable reels.

She has created her own unique series, such as “How do you professionally say?”, “Rating people are out of office messages” or “The coworker who doesn’t respect boundaries.”

Best time to post Instagram Reels

Now that we’ve gone over the most engaging Instagram Reels ideas – it’s time we answer some other questions, too, and we will start with:

“When is the best time to post Instagram Reels?”

Although you might expect a simple “from-to” answer to this question – the answer is “it depends.”

Here’s how to figure out the best time to post for your business only:

This information can be found in your Instagram insights.

How to access your Insights Data

Simply go to your profile and tap on the “insights” button -> from there, tap on “total followers,” and you’ll be able to see your follower breakdown.

Here, besides the location, you can also see information such as age range and gender. Once you know the time zone in which your followers are located, you will approximately know your “posting time frame.”

This data too is also found in your Instagram statistics – meaning Instagram will suggest the best hours and days to publish reels based on previous results.

Trending songs on Instagram Reels

The simplest way to find the trending songs to use on Instagram Reels is to follow the official Instagram Creators’ profile.

This profile is a gold mine regarding the latest information, algorithm updates, news, guides, and amongst this – trending songs too.

You will find Reels Trend Report each week on this profile, with a roundup of trending songs, challenges, filters, and hashtags. If you don’t know where to start – this profile will definitely help you on your “reels journey.”

Reels Trend Report Preview

For example, here are the trending songs at the moment:

Steps to create an Instagram Reel

Creating Instagram Reels is quite simple and can be done in five simple steps.

Here’s how to create Instagram Reels:

How to create Reels: choosing an effect options

For all the details, check the full tutorial on how to create Instagram Reels.

Once you post, you can find them in your own feed of your Instagram account. Or navigate to the Reels tab that includes only the reels videos. Additionally, a wider audience can discover them in their Explore tab as part of Instagram’s efforts to expand the reach of the public content beyond the creator’s base.

Tips for creating Instagram reels that engage

We summarized a few tips that you might have in mind when publishing your reels, such as:

Key Takeaways

Thank you for reading through! Here is a summary of some of the Instagram Reels ideas you can take away:

Filming Instagram reels for your brand can become a powerful asset that will help you grow your audience, raise awareness, get more engagement, and even sell products.

FYI: You can embed Instagram Reels widget automatically with a social media aggregator and UGC platform.  Start a free trial to display your social media widgets now. 

Embed Instagram Reels videos on your website automatically!

Generate all your Instagram posts and embed Instagram Reels, feeds, and stories into your website, automatically.

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