Collect Customer Testimonials in Intercom Chat With EmbedSocial

EmbedSocial Reviews app for Intercom can capture testimonials in your chat on autopilot.

embedsocial intercom app testimonials

We are launching EmbedSocial Reviews app for Intercom.

EmbedSocial has joined the Intercom apps ecosystem and we’re extremely excited to help our users automate their reviews collection activities via Intercom.

A simple app that can be activated and used within your Intercom chat.

This app is for all EmbedReviews users who use Intercom in their everyday communication with their customers.

It works very simply – with a one-click can push a testimonial capture form within the Intercom chat.

In more details, once you install it a small icon will appear in the chat composer that when clicked displays an input box for your customer to submit their review/testimonial about their experience with your products or services.

How to install EmbedSocial Reviews for Intercom

The installation process will take you just a few clicks. But before you install it you will need to make sure you have your EmbedReviews account where you will collect all reviews from your Intercom chat.

Once you have the EmbedReviews account you are ready to install the app in your Intercom account. To do this just follow these steps:

1. Go to the Intercom app store and install EmbedSocial Reviews app by providing the required permissions for the EmbedSocial app to interact with your Intercom account.

Install embedsocial intercom app

2. Once you do this EmbedSocial will appear in the chat composer. Just click the EmbedSocial icon as shown below:

send reviews form in Intercom

Upon click, it will show a reviews submission box. To send it in the chat with the customer, just click ‘Send’.

3. Once you click send the review collection box will appear in the customer side of the chat interface, as shown below:

customer submits testimonial in intercom chat

The customer will be able to submit the rating and the review text without leaving the Intercom chat. Which will make your reviews and testimonials collection process very effective.

4. Once the customer clicks ‘Send’, the collected review will appear in your EmbedReviews account in a matter of seconds. And you will be able to access all the Intercom reviews in the Sources section of your account.

store intercom testimonials

That’s it. This is the simple process of how the EmbedSocial Reviews app for Intercom works and how easy it is to make your activity of collecting customer reviews more and more centralized and much easier, for you and also for your customers.

Ready to get started?

Click the link below to install it in your Intercom account:

Install EmbedSocial for Intercom »

Do more: Add EmbedSocial in Messenger home apps

Intercom provides an opportunity for external apps such as the EmbedSocial Reviews app to be displayed in the homescreen of the Intercom messenger. And by adding the EmbedSocial app you will have the testimonials form displayed in the home screen all the time.

Here is how you can do this.

1. Click on the Messenger icon in the main menu and choose ‘Add Messenger home apps’
add messenger reviews form app

2. Click ‘Add an App’ and click on EmbedSocial Reviews

add EmbedSocial Intercom Homescreen

Once you are finished, just click the green button – ‘Save and set live’

We believe by using this app, you will collect more reviews and you will be able to show all these reviews automatically on your website with just one line of code.

If you are still not using EmbedReviews, feel free to start a free trial today.

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CEO of EmbedSocial 

Nikola Bojkov is the CEO of EmbedSocial, an entrepreneur who turns problems into products. With over a decade of hands-on experience with social media APIs, he guides EmbedSocial in its role as a technical partner for both SMEs and large agencies, maximizing the impact of their user-generated content. EmbedSocial has offices in Skopje, Tokyo and Lisbon with over 250,000 users.