228 Customer Feedback Questions for Your Perfect Satisfaction Survey

This list of feedback questions is a must-have when designing a satisfaction survey.

list of customer survey questions by industry

The art of asking the right questions is a skill that requires adopting the curiosity of a 4-year-old to be perfectly mastered. 

The never-ending why is the key to success in a customer-centric professional environment.

Constant interest and hunting for the right answers can help you detect issues, find solutions, improve your product/service performance, improve your brand image, and increase customer loyalty. 

Many industries use customer satisfaction feedback surveys to base their future strategies and grow their businesses. 

Therefore, carefully chosen specific questions can help you get customer feedback and pinpoint concrete issues or satisfaction that customers have towards your business. 

We are here to help you create a survey with simple, straightforward customer satisfaction questions for collecting valuable feedback.

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About these Customer Questionnaires

What follows is the ultimate list of 228 customer feedback questions for several industries.

And the questions can be used and modified to fit any business. 

The questions are divided into a few general categories, all of which refer to measuring the level of customer satisfaction that comes from the quality of your customer support, employees, marketing, website usability, and product. 

All of these categories have more or less influence on customer satisfaction at some point in the customer journey. 

Depending on the research goal, the questions can be combined in one questionnaire and touch upon a few different points in the customer buying cycle at once, or you can do multiple separate surveys for a specific time in the buying process. 

In an article about How to Run a Customer Satisfaction Survey, we shared different metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS) and  Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and why and how you should you those. 

In this one, we provide you with customer satisfaction survey templates that will give you specific answers about your target audience.

List of Feedback Questions for Fashion Brands

fashion store feedback survey

As an owner of a fashion store, keeping up with customer satisfaction is as important as keeping up with the latest fashion trends.

If you are not sure where to start, don’t worry; we made a whole list of great questions. 

You will find that most of the customer feedback questions are a mixture of close-ended and open-ended questions and refer to some of the essential aspects of gathering valuable insights about your customers. 

Without any further ado, we present you with a list of carefully chosen survey questions to help you understand your customer needs. 

Product feedback questions:

  1. How would you rate the product? 
  2. How does it fit? 
  3. How is the design? 
  4. How is the quality? 
  5. What could we do to improve our clothing?
  6. It was easy for me to find something in my size.

Customer experience feedback questions:

  1. How can we make your shopping experience better for you?
  2. Did you find what you were looking for today?
  3. How satisfied were you with the service overall?
  4. How satisfied are you with the return policy?
  5. Did we have what you were looking for in stock?
  6. How pleased are you with the selection of products?
  7. How fair is the return policy?
  8. What other products would you be interested in purchasing from us?
  9. Share your overall experience.

Customer behavior feedback questions:

  1. How often do you buy new clothes? 
  2. How do you feel about online shopping? 
  3. How highly do you rate customer service in your decision to shop somewhere? 

Employee feedback questions: 

  1. How knowledgeable was the staff?
  2. How friendly was the staff? 
  3. How helpful was the staff? 
  4. How well did the staff understand your needs? 
  5. Was your customer service issue resolved?
  6. How satisfied are you with the resolution of your customer service issue?
  7. Customer support made it easy for me to fix my customer service issue. 

Website usability feedback questions:

  1. The website is easy for me to make a purchase. 
  2. The website is easy for me to find what I am looking for.
  3. What stopped you from finalizing the purchase?

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Feedback Questions for Hotels 

guest survey questions for hotel

Hotels aim to provide the most relaxing and positive experience possible during their guests’ stay, especially today when so many websites provide a cyber-place where people who visit you can share their experience with staying at your hotel.

It is common practice for travelers to consult with the recommendations and reviews of guests who have already stayed in your hotel. And often, negative feedback can be hidden among all recommendations. 

Negative feedback can be disappointing but can also be fixed if you diagnose the problem quickly.

What makes a guest feel comfortable in a hotel is quite subjective, but running customer feedback surveys can help identify the issues ( if there are any) and improve customer retention. 

Here is the list of customer satisfaction survey questions that you can use to find, diagnose, and act on any possible issues. 

General feedback questions:

  1. What was the reason for your visit? 
  2. Why did you choose this hotel? 
  3. How did you book your stay with us?
  4. Did you eat at the hotel?
  5. Hotel amenities (pool, hot tub, exercise room) were clean, attractive, and adequately equipped.

Staff feedback questions: 

  1. Were the staff friendly and helpful?
  2. Did the staff respond quickly?
  3. Was the hotel staff well informed about the area and answered all of your questions?
  4. Was the security available when you needed it? 
  5. Was the hotel management friendly and reliable?
  6. Was the room service timely and efficient?
  7. The hotel staff answered the phone quickly.

Customer experience feedback questions:

  1. Was your room comfortable and clean?
  2. How would you rate the hotel food?
  3. Do you think that the hotel provides value for money?
  4. Overall, were you satisfied, dissatisfied, or neither?
  5. How likely are you to stay at this hotel again? 
  6. How likely are you to recommend this hotel?
  7. What can we do to improve our service?
  8. Were you satisfied with the hotel location?
  9. Was the check-in process timely and efficient? 
  10. How convenient were the hours of the food service options in our hotel?
  11. Was your bill accurate?

Marketing feedback questions:

  1. How did you hear about us?

Website usability questions:

  1. How easy was it for you to use our website?
  2. How easy was it for you to book a stay? 

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Feedback Questions for Restaurants

feedback questions for restaurant

Restaurants are places where we like to nurture our social connections, so customer success and developing customer satisfaction are the first places where all efforts should be concentrated.

If you want to understand how your guests feel while having a meal at your restaurant, running a customer satisfaction survey is a great way to do it.

Here is the list of customer feedback questions you must ask your loyal and new customers.

Customer experience feedback questions:

  1. How often do you dine at our restaurant? 
  2. Did the food meet expectations, i.e., quality, temperature? 
  3. Did you find anything missing from the menu? 
  4. How would you rate our service? 
  5. Did you find it difficult to make a reservation? 
  6. Did our restaurant meet your standard of cleanliness and hygiene? 
  7. What do you think about our restaurant’s environment?
  8. Would you recommend us to family & friends? 
  9. How could we serve you better in the future?
  10. What would you say you liked most about our restaurant?
  11. How likely is it that you would come back?
  12. Was the music volume to your liking?
  13. Did the prices match the quality of our food?
  14. Please rate the ease of reading the menu.
  15. Was the portion size as expected?
  16. Would you like more information about the ingredients used in our dishes?


  1. How did you find out about us?

General feedback questions:

  1. How often do you visit restaurants?
  2. Was this your first time in our restaurant?

Staff feedback questions: 

  1. Who served you today?
  2. Did you feel that the staff was welcoming and friendly? 
  3. Did the food arrive on time?
  4. Did you face any issues with any service of the restaurant?
  5. How long did you wait for the server to arrive?


  1. If you ordered online, how quickly did your food arrive? 
  2. If you ordered online, did the food appear and taste fresh when it arrived? 
  3. Which online ordering provider did you use? 
  4. Did you use any of our discounts or special offers?

Introducing a new product: 

  1. If the following were introduced in the staff restaurant, how likely would you be to try them?

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Feedback Questions for Events

post event survey questions

Event planning is a challenging process that requires planning, coordinating, controlling, and organizing different gatherings like meetings or conventions that include many participants. 

It is a handful job that needs you to bring your A-game to organize a top-notch experience for everybody.

Practice makes perfect, but running surveys with precise customer feedback questions can help you hit the jackpot with the event planning.

Keep in mind that you can always follow up with more questions if you need more information from your respondents. 

General questions:

  1. Do you find the location of this event easy to find? 
  2. Why did you choose to attend this event? 
  3. Why did you decide to participate in this event?
  4. Was this your first time at one of our events?
  5. What was the best part of the event?
  6. Which of the speakers do you think had the best presentation?
  7. Do you think this conference will have any effect on your future work?
  8. Did you participate in any of the after-conference activities?
  9. Did you have enough time for Q&A at the end of each presentation?
  10. Did you find this event useful?
  11. Did you find the content easy to understand?
  12. The material covered was relevant to my area of business.
  13. The material covered was relevant to my role
  14. Did the presenter deliver the material well?
  15. The venue was appropriate for this event/briefing
  16. The event has answered many of my questions
    about the business
  17. Do you know where to get further information?
  18. What are the key messages that you took out from the event/briefing?
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Customer satisfaction feedback questions:

  1. Was there any event information that was difficult for you to find/understand?
  2. How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend?
  3. Do you think this event achieved its goals?
  4. How satisfied are you with the number of activities offered?
  5. How happy are you with the quality of the event?
  6. Was the event right for your level of knowledge?
  7. How well-organized was the event?
  8. How satisfied are you with this event overall?
  9. What was your least favorite aspect of the event?
  10. How do you think the event could have been improved?
  11. Did you like the networking event?
  12. How would you describe the experience of using our product?
  13. Any other comments or suggestions for us?
  14. Would you say the event was too long, short, just about right?
  15. Are you likely to participate in one of our events in the future?
  16. How satisfied were you with the event’s agenda?
  17. Were the date and time convenient for you?
  18. How do you rate the overall quality of the speakers?

Staff feedback questions: 

  1. How friendly was the staff?
  2. Did the team manage to answer all of your questions about the event?

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Feedback Questions for Online Shops 

ecommerce feedback form

It would be a pretty positive experience if your online shop could be listed on Google when someone searches for the best online shop. Right?

Well, it’s not impossible. 

Learn your audience, who they are shopping for, and what they like and don’t like about your product or service. 

Using our questions, you can collect essential and valuable insights from your customers to help you understand their online shopping behavior and improve your online store. 

General questions:

  1. Who are you shopping for?
  2. What were you looking for? 
  3. Did you get what you were looking for? 
  4. What other information would you like on this page?
  5. On a scale of 0-10, how much do you trust the product reviews?
  6. How helpful do you find ratings while making a purchase decision?
  7. On a scale of 0-10, how much does an overall product rating affect your purchase decision?
  8. Do you generally find various alternatives for the same product?
  9. If your preferred product is not available, do you get acknowledged when it is back in stock? 
  10. What other products would you like to see in our online store?
  11. Would you like to enroll in paid services to get products earlier?
  12. Did you receive your product at the shipping address?
  13. Would you like to share your contact details to learn more about our discounts and sales?
  14. How satisfied are you with the sellers’ options we offer?
  15. How satisfied are you with the quality of products from this seller? 
  16. What more information would you want about the seller?
  17. What problem would you like to solve with our product?

Customer feedback satisfaction:

  1. Did you find enough range of products?
  2. Did you find enough product details?
  3. How satisfied are you with the quality of the products?
  4. How do you rate the quality of our products as compared to our competitors?
  5. How satisfied are you with the availability of products?
  6. Did you receive your product within the expected timeline?
  7. What would you say to someone who asked about us?

Website usability:

  1. Did you like the design of our website?
  2. How easy was it to navigate through the site?
  3. How safe did you feel while sharing your card details?
  4. How easy was the checkout process overall?
  5. How easily could you update your address details?
  6. How much effort did you have to put into purchasing a product?
  7. How visually appealing is our website?
  8. How easy is it to navigate our website?

Staff feedback questions:

  1. Please rate your experience with the delivery employees. 
  2. How helpful was the customer support staff?
  3. Did the customer support manager solve the issue?

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Customer Satisfaction Questions for Software 

software feedback form

Running a customer satisfaction survey is an important step for all SAAS companies, mostly because the product itself is built to resolve a problem and to make our lives easier at some point. 

However, how would you know if the software serves its purpose if you don’t ask your customers?

Many creative ideas for improvement, like adding new features or changing old ones, can come if you listen to your everyday users. 

After all, asking your customer for their opinion can also strengthen your relationship and build firmer trust. 

General questions:

  1. What is your industry? 
  2. What describes the department you are working in? 
  3. How big is your team? 
  4. What is your job title? 
  5. What was the purpose of your visit today?
  6. Was there anything that you didn’t manage to accomplish today?
  7. Did anyone refer you to our product? If yes, who and in which context?

Product feedback questions:

  1. How many hours do you save per week using our product? 
  2. How many colleagues are using our product? 
  3. Who else (job titles) do you think would benefit from our product? 
  4. What product did our solution replace? 
  5. What features are missing from our product? 
  6. If you had to replace our product with an alternative, what would that be and why? 
  7. Which of the following product features are most important to you? 
  8. Do you think we are missing some new features? If yes, please explain further. 
  9. What were you trying to accomplish with our product today? Did you manage to do it? 
  10. On a scale of 1-5, how easy was it to accomplish your goal? 
  11. What elements or features are no longer useful to you?
  12. Are there any specific features that made you stop using our product?
  13. Do you think that the features we offer are well integrated?
  14. Do you think that the system can be easily learned?

Customer satisfaction feedback questions:

  1. What’s the primary reason for canceling your account/subscription?
  2. What features would make you give it a try?

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Feedback Questions for Health Facilities

health feedback form

Working with patients requires care, patience, and commitment.

Health care, as the primary goal of hospitals and health facilities, dramatically impacts how patients feel during the visit.

But many other factors, such as hygiene and treatment by employees, contribute to reducing or maximizing patient satisfaction.

Therefore, conducting a survey is an excellent way to examine all the elements that affect patient satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction feedback questions:

  1. How would you rate the cleanliness of the environment?
  2. How would you rate the information given to you about your appointment/ treatment and condition?
  3. Did you feel you were treated with dignity and respect during your visit?
  4. Did you think you were able to comment about the care you received at the time?
  5. Overall, how satisfied are you with the doctor’s knowledge?
  6. Overall, how pleased are you with the nurse’s experience?
  7. Was the hygiene on a satisfactory level?
  8. How would you describe the opening times of the service?
  9. Were you encouraged to ask questions about any treatment you may have received?
  10. How involved did you feel in the decisions about your care and/or treatment?
  11. How likely are you to recommend our services to friends and family if they need similar care or treatment?
  12. Are you informed about the new analyzes, services, events, and actions in our laboratory?

Staff feedback questions:

  1. How would you rate the overall attitude of the staff towards you?
  2. Do you feel that the person providing your care/ treatment listened to what you had to say?
  3. How would you rate your experience and communication with the administration staff?
  4. How helpful were the administrative staff when you contacted us?

Feedback Questions for Auto Industry

customer feedback for auto industry

Car shops, car dealerships, and car repair shops are places where customers should feel welcomed and well-informed. 

Not everyone who comes to your store has advanced knowledge of cars.

Therefore, you need to ensure that employees have enough information and know-how to convey it well to your customers.

A well-designed questionnaire can help you understand if customers are satisfied with the service, the car, or your employees’ work.

General questions:

  1. Did our car dealership match your expectations?
  2. Did the shop allow a test drive?
  3. How do you evaluate {Brand name} car’s overall quality?
  4. What elements matter the most to you when buying a car?
  5. What are the factors that influenced your decision to buy {The car’s brand name }
  6. What do you think of the brand positioning of {Brand name}
  7. What are the most common issues you face with the {brand name}

Staff feedback questions:

  1. How would you rate the quality of repair performance?
  2. Did the staff explain your car’s issue?
  3. Were you informed when your car was ready?
  4. Did the team manage to explain the cars’ technical characteristics? 

General Company Feedback Form

general feedback form
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As we know by now, customer feedback is important, and giving your customers a voice will bring you a step closer to understanding their needs and expectations. 

Nonetheless, other aspects, such as marketing, customer demographics, and website usability, are also important to understand. 

Following is a list of questions you can include in your company feedback form to gather as much valuable data as possible.

Marketing feedback questions:

  1. What were you searching for when you found us?
  2. How did you find us?
  3. What led you to visit our website?
  4. Have you used our competitor’s services?
  5. What social media channels do you use most? 
  6. Are you currently using or considering shopping with a competitor?
  7. Do you think that the information we post on Facebook and Instagram is valuable and understandable enough?

Customer satisfaction:

  1. Overall, how would you rate this service?
  2. How can we make our product better?
  3. Would you tell your friends or colleagues about our product?
  4. Do you think the pricing is fair? 
  5. At what price point would you feel that you’re getting the best value for money from our product?
  6. On a scale of 1-10, how was your experience with customer support?
  7. Are you going to return later? 
  8. On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to buy from us again?
  9. What was the reason for purchasing this product?
  10. How often do you use our service?
  11. What nearly stopped you from buying our product?

Website usability questions:

  1. What are you hoping to achieve by visiting our website?
  2. Are you having trouble finding anything?
  3. Is there anything missing from the page?
  4. How easy was it for you to navigate through the website?

Key Takeaways

We are not here to give you the answers; we are here to give you the questions!

Important ones that will lead you to the cherishable customers’ opinion about you.  

Choose the most important questions and find out if your product adds value to your customers’ lives. 

Go ahead and start with our customer feedback survey template →

We are continually updating this article, so let us know if you have other suggestions that we can put on the list.  

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Co-Founder of EmbedSocial and Head of Growth. A previous owner of a Facebook Partner Company and a digital marketing agency. Marketing API geek and a Call of Duty fan.