How to Collect Online Reviews On Your Website Right Now

3 highly effective solutions to collect reviews on your website.

collect reviews and testimonials

Online reviews are essential for most companies when it comes to building a strong online presence, customer loyalty, and helping potential customers make faster purchasing decisions that directly lead to more online sales.

If you are looking for a complete reviews management solution that will help you collect more reviews on the website, right now, you’ve come to the best blog post. By using the suggested marketing tools, you can allow your actual customers just a few clicks to write reviews on your website, similar to popular review sites. Plus, you will be able to select the best reviews and create a widget that fits perfectly with any website design. 

No coding skills are required, nor are messy and painful maintenance. All your reviews and testimonials by satisfied and happy customers will be synced in real-time with your website.


Embed Google Reviews Widget

Automatically collect and embed Google reviews and use AI reviews management tools to unlock your website’s sales potential.

Start 7-day free trial

FYI: You can automatically embed Google reviews widget on your website and show authentic user-generated reviews, increasing trust for more sales. Try it now.

Why collect customer feedback?

Collecting customer feedback is crucial for businesses to improve their products, services, and overall customer experience.

Here are six key benefits of customer interviews and explanations for why businesses should actively seek and collect customer feedback:

Improve Products and Services

By collecting customer feedback, businesses can understand the strengths and weaknesses of their products or services. Customers often provide insights that the business may not have considered, leading to valuable product enhancements and the development of new features to meet customer needs.

Measure Customer Satisfaction

Customer feedback helps businesses gauge how satisfied or unhappy customers are with their products, services, and overall experience. Understanding customer satisfaction levels allows companies to make necessary adjustments to enhance satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhance Customer Experience

Feedback and customer survey allows businesses to understand customer expectations and preferences better. This information allows businesses to create a more personalized and enjoyable experience, leading to higher customer retention rates.

Identify Issues and Resolve Problems

Feedback helps in identifying issues that may not be immediately apparent to the business. Early detection of problems allows businesses to resolve them quickly, preventing further dissatisfaction and potential damage to the business’s reputation.

Make Informed Business Decisions

Customer feedback provides valuable data and insights that can guide business decisions. It helps businesses understand market trends, customer preferences, and competitive strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to make more informed and strategic decisions.

Boost Customer Retention and Loyalty

When customers see that their opinions, feature requests, and feedback are valued and acted upon, it fosters a sense of loyalty and trust. Customers are more likely to stay with a brand that listens to them, addresses their concerns, and meets their needs.

What kind of reviews can you collect?

Businesses can collect various types of reviews from different platforms, each with its unique features and benefits. Below are explanations of several types of reviews, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, and others:

Google Reviews

Google Reviews appear on Google Maps and Search and provide a platform for customers to leave feedback about a business, product, or service. These publicly visible reviews can significantly impact a business’s online reputation and local SEO rankings.

Many people read Google reviews to learn about other customers’ experiences and make informed decisions based on these reviews.

Facebook Reviews

Facebook allows users to leave reviews or recommendations on a business’s Facebook page. These reviews can include a written comment and a star rating. As Facebook is a widely used social media platform, getting positive Facebook reviews on the platform can boost a business’s reputation and potentially attract more customers.

Learn more: How to embed Facebook reviews on a website?

Twitter Reviews

Twitter doesn’t have a dedicated review feature like Google or Facebook, but customers often share their opinions and experiences with products or services on Twitter. Monitoring mentions of a business and responding to customer feedback on Twitter can help improve customer service and public relations.

Learn more: How to embed Twitter reviews?

Yelp Reviews

Yelp is a popular platform for local business reviews. Customers can leave detailed feedback and a star rating on a business’s Yelp page. Yelp reviews can significantly influence consumer decisions as many people turn to the platform to research businesses, especially local restaurants and service providers.

Airbnb Reviews

Airbnb reviews form the cornerstone of trust and reliability on the platform. Hosts and guests alike leave reviews post-stay, offering insights into the accommodation and guests’ behavior. A host’s success on Airbnb heavily relies on positive feedback, which enhances the listing’s credibility and attractiveness.

Learn more: How to embed Airbnb reviews?

Amazon Reviews

If a business sells products on Amazon, customer reviews on the platform are crucial. Amazon reviews include a star rating and written feedback, providing valuable insights for potential customers.

Positive reviews can significantly impact sales, as many Amazon shoppers rely heavily on reviews to make purchasing decisions.

Trustpilot Reviews

Trustpilot is another platform where customers can leave reviews for businesses. It is widely used and trusted by many customers worldwide to get insights into various businesses. Reviews on Trustpilot can impact a company’s online reputation and influence potential customers’ decisions.

3 ready-to-go solutions to collect reviews

  1. To collect reviews and show them on your website
  2. EmbedForms to create feedback forms and feedback widgets
  3. VerifiedReviews to collect product reviews on Shopify online stores

Before we dive in any further, here are a few benefits of displaying on your website:

  • Testimonials make your products or services seem more credible.
  • Positive reviews can encourage new customers to write you new reviews.
  • Potential customers trust online reviews when making purchases.
  • Great reviews encourage customers to buy in bulk.
  • Social proof boosts your SEO efforts and makes you the search engine’s favorite.

Solution 1: Collect customer reviews on a website with a review platform

EmbedReviews provides unique feedback forms to ask web visitors to leave reviews and increase the number of company reviews easily. It has a built-in automatic solution for aggregating Google, Yelp, and reviews left on your Facebook page, with the option to display widgets with positive customer reviews.

Place a ‘Leave a review’ button on any website

To start collecting customer feedback for your website, the EmbedReviews platform allows you to generate and add a ‘Leave a review’ button anywhere on your website.

Doing this lets you invite your website, visitors to click the button and submit a review for your business or a specific product.

The code works for any CMS website builder, such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Squarespace, Webflow, PageCloud, Shopify, or Magento.

Here is ours in action:


Once your web visitors click the button, they will be redirected to a review submission form, where they have the option to select the number of stars (a 5-star rating scale) and write a review for your business or product.

EmbedReviews provides one line of code that will display the button and has an actual pre-built link to a review submission form. That’s it; you do not need to maintain any forms on your website.

If you want to style the button, choose from the numerous design options and make it fit your website layout.

If you need a detailed walkthrough of how you can use this feature and start a review collection on your website, watch the video below:

Place a floating popover

Instead of a button, you can place a floating popover that will display on the bottom or top of your website.

This will show the latest reviewer and, on click, opens a popup form where your website visitors can easily leave you a review.

To see it in action, look for a popover in the left-side corner of our website.

collect reviews in popup widget

3. Authenticate reviewers’

Reviewer authentication is one of the main concerns when it comes to the relevancy of website reviews. The testimonials placed on the websites lack authority, mostly because the sources of their collection are usually not well organized.

By using the EmbedReviews reviews collector form, your reviewers are automatically asked to submit the review by connecting their Facebook accounts.

authenticate reviews with Facebook login

Please note: You can embed this entire form on your own website if you do not want to place a button or a link. Just use one line of code to display the reviews collector form anywhere on your website.

By doing this, the words displayed in your review section on the website are sourced by an authentic user, thereby increasing the trust in your business.

Display the collected business reviews on your website automatically

By introducing the reviews collector option, the EmbedReviews platform adds another source for generating your online reviews.

Alongside your Google My Business or Facebook reviews, EmbedReviews will allow you to create a specific review feed widget that you can add to any web page on your website and display the collected reviews automatically.

You can customize your widget by using some of the pre-defined templates or by implementing custom CSS.

Here is an example of our wall of love and below, you can choose a template that you can start using right now:

By doing this, you will no longer need to update your testimonials and reviews section and maintain it manually. The automation process will update your business reviews so you don’t have to check in over and over again.

Solution 2: Collect customer reviews on a website with forms widgets

EmbedForms is a complete forms builder that will help you create feedback forms and build widgets that will help you with collecting feedback and reviews on your website. Here are some of the widgets you can create and collect customer testimonials and reviews with:

Embed a feedback form

Get your forms widgets >

Besides collecting reviews on relevant review websites, it’s very important to get first-hand customer feedback surveys up on your website.

feedback form is an easy and useful way to gather thoughts, impressions, and feedback from both loyal and potential customers. 

If you want to dig deeper into your customer base’s experience, you can embed a feedback form on your website and start collecting not just a number of reviews but more referrals and relevant feedback.

List of feedback forms you can copy right now: 

  • Employee feedback form – Find out how employees feel about the work environment, employee benefits, salary, company culture, and management.
  • Website feedback form – Website feedback forms are great tools that can help you learn a lot about how easily your customers navigate your website. 
  • Customer satisfaction survey– The customer satisfaction survey can help you to understand your customers and what they want briefly.
  • Product review template– It provides a list of questions that will help you get the most accurate information from customers about their experience with your product.
  • Testimonial form template– This form helps you instantly get a testimonial from your customers directly on your website.

There are many more feedback forms. You can choose the feedback form you need, embed it on your website, and start gathering that valuable feedback.

Place a feedback button widget 

As you already know, any small business, even retailers, has to rock its reputation management. Not only to protect the business from scammers but to overrule the scam with positive reviews. 

But if you have a busy business profile, you can choose a simple way to gather feedback and still gather customer feedback to help you improve.

Feedback buttons are a quick and easy way to hear from your users or learn more about their experience.

They are usually attached somewhere that won’t bother the user’s experience but can still be visible to them. You can spot them at the page’s top, bottom, or side. And when the button is clicked, a form pops up, and the user can fill it in immediately.

button widget for web forms

Embed feedback banner

Another effective way to collect reviews on your website is to display a floating banner that will appear in the top, the most prominent position of your website.

This position is very visible and it can be effective when asking people to share their feedback and write you a review.

If you use the EmbedForms feedback widgets, you can customize its look, colors, icons, the form it will open, and the way you want the form to appear.

Banner feedback button

Share the link to the reviews form

If you need to accelerate the process of collecting reviews, you can use the link to the reviews collection form, share it anywhere you want, and invite your target audience to submit a review.

Here are a few ideas on how to invite your customers to give you a review:

  • Send the link to your direct customers via email
  • Post the link to your social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Use the link in your advertising, both online and offline.
  • Generate QR codes with the link
  • Display the form on a table or any touchscreen in your store, restaurant, or similar.

In case you are dealing with negative reviews, we have your back! We created a step-by-step guide on how to handle negative reviews.

Solution 3: Collect product reviews with the Shopify reviews app

Collecting product reviews is very different than collecting reviews for services. It requires more sophisticated integration with the eCommerce platform that you use to sell your products.

But there are plenty of eCommerce reviews solutions that will help you collect reviews for each of your products and show these reviews below each.

Install VerifiedReviews app for Shopify

If you are a local business owner and you are using the Shopify e-commerce platform to sell your products, go ahead and choose the Verified Reviews app for Shopify

This app will help you automatically send review requests, gather reviews from your current and previous customers, and display the latest reviews in stunning widgets on your Shopify store.

On top of this, the app generates an SEO snippet code that will increase visibility in search engines by displaying average rating stars next to your product metadata in the search results.

With this app, the next time a customer purchases something from your Shopify store, they will receive a product review invitation in an AMP email format as part of the post-purchase communication with the customer. They can submit their product and photo reviews within the same email.

Verified reviews amp email by EmbedReviews
Get Verified Reviews app >

The best part is that you can import product reviews from other review sites or sales channels like TripAdvisor, Yelp, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Trustpilot, Better Business Bureau (BBB), Angie’s List, Foursquare, Manta… you name it.

We encourage Shopify users to give this app a chance and see how social proof can boost your conversion rate.

How to Collect & Request Reviews Via Email >

Further reading

How to collect reviews on different CMS?

Below, we outline the details on how to start collecting reviews when you use eCommerce or a web builder. For web builders, we will show how to embed the reviews widgets that contain the review form from EmbedReviews, and for Shopify, you can learn how to use an email automation reviews app that will help you get product reviews after each purchase.

How to collect reviews on Shopify?

As mentioned above, collecting product reviews on Shopify is very easy if you use a Shopify reviews app like VerifiedReviews.

It works very simple. You will only need to install the app and activate the email automation. Once activated, whenever you purchase, an automatic email will be sent to the customer asking them to submit a review for the product they just bought.

Send emails to Shopify customers to request reviews

The email contains the product information and links to a review form where they can easily write about their experience, including text and photos.

Read more:

5 Detailed Steps to Collect Customer Reviews on Shopify Shop

How to collect reviews on Wix? 

If you use a Wix website builder for your company, we will show you how to collect testimonials using the EmbedReviews widgets, badge or other feed or slider widgets.

First, you must create the widget and get the provided code to embed it into your Wix website. To create the widget follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to your account and go to Widgets

Step 2: Click Create widget and choose the source, or skip this step and choose what to show in the widget later.

Step 3: In the widget editor, make sure you have the leave a review button activated in the Header card.

Step 4: Once done customizing, just go to Embed and click Copy code

Copy code for Floating badge with reviews collect form

Step 5: Go to the Wix editor and click the Embed element

Step 6: Paste the widget code into your editor.

embed HTML social media widget code in Wix

That’s it. Now, you will have your reviews widget and the Leave a Review form in the header.

Additionally, you can use a custom reviews badge and add the custom link to your reviews form or even a custom link to your Google or Facebook page to collect their reviews there. To embed the badge, follow the same steps above.

How to collect reviews on WordPress?

You can do the same steps as above to get your widget code and follow the steps below where you should embed the code in WordPress.

Step 1: Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the post or page you want to embed the code

Step 2: If you’re using the classic WordPress editor, place your cursor where you want the widget to appear and click on the “Text” tab. Then, paste the widget code from EmbedReviews directly into the editor.

If you’re using the block editor (often called Gutenberg), Click on the ‘+’ button to add a new block and search for “Custom HTML”. Add the “Custom HTML” block and paste the widget code into the provided space.

Step 3: Paste the widget code.

Embed social media code in HTML block in WordPress

Your WordPress website should now elegantly showcase the reviews via the EmbedReviews widget, offering visitors insight into others’ experiences with your brand or services, including a ‘Leave a review’ button that, when clicked, will open the form to collect reviews right there on your website.

How to collect reviews on Squarespace?

Here are the steps to embed the reviews widget or badge and start collecting reviews in Squarespace:

Step 1: Go to your widgets in EmbedReviews and copy your widget code.

Step 2: Log in to your Squarespace dashboard. Choose the specific page where you’d like the reviews widget to appear. Click on “Edit” for that page.

Step 3: Click on an insert point (the small bubble icons) where you wish the widget to display. From the menu, choose the “Embed code” block.

Embed social media feed in Squarespace HTMl block

Step 4: Click ‘Code snippet’ and then click ‘Embed data’

Step 5: Paste the embed code and click Save.

That’s it. Now, you will get your reviews badge or widget ready to start collecting reviews on your Squarespace website.

Examples of collected reviews 

Here is an example of how we use our widget to display and collect more reviews on our website:

Embed wall of love on your website with your customers testimonials
Build your own wall of love page >

Key takeaways to collect more reviews

Customer reviews are one of the most important metrics for e-commerce companies, and customer feedback can make or break your product sales. If you want to take control over how your customers perceive you, then it’s time to invest in a complete reputation management solution that will help provide more insights into what people think about your brand.

  • EmbedReviews is an affordable platform with a variety of features like native forms for collecting reviews and options to embed Google reviews with its official API integration. There’s no need to depend on platforms that charge large monthly fees just for uploading reviews onto your website.
  • If you need interactive widgets to collect feedback on your website, pick EmbedForms; it’s free and also has direct integration with EmbedReviews.
  • Interested in using EmbedReviews to start collecting positive reviews on your website? If you are a current user, log in to your EmbedReviews account and add the Web collection source.
  • And if you just landed on our website and want to get familiar with EmbedReviews, start collecting customer testimonials with our Free Reviews Widget.

Start managing all of your customer reviews by signing up today! If you need more information, feel free to reach out to our customer support.

FAQs about collecting reviews

You probubly have tons of questions on how to collect reviews continuously, and below, we summarized the answers to most of these questions.

How to collect reviews?

In this blog post, we outlined very specific tools on how to collect reviews on your website. To summarize, here is a list of the most common ways to collect reviews in general:

1. Include a link in your email signature
2. Send follow-up emails after a purchase is made
3. Add a widget to your website
4. Run a contest or giveaway
5. Use social media platforms, such as Twitter, Google or Facebook
6. Give discount codes for customers who leave a review
7. Add a call-to-action button on your website
8. Embed a review form on your website
9. Host a question and answer session on social media platforms
10. Make it easy for customers to leave a review on your website. The easier it is, the more likely they are to write the review.

How do you collect positive reviews?

One of the most common ways to collect positive reviews is to offer customers an incentive in return for their feedback. This could be in the form of a discount or a freebie. You could also enter customers into a draw to win a prize if they leave a review.

Another way to collect positive reviews is to ask your most satisfied customers for their feedback. This can be done via email, social media, or in person.

What is the best product review site?

There are a number of ways to collect product reviews, but the best way is to use a product review site where you will list your products, such as Amazon.

This will allow you to get accurate and up-to-date information on products, as well as provide you with a platform to share your own experiences.

There are a few different types of product review sites, so it is important to browse which one would be the best fit for you. For example, CNET is a great product review site for tech products, while Good Housekeeping is better suited for home appliances. Whichever route you decide to go, make sure to collect product reviews from a reliable source!


Embed Google Reviews Widget

Automatically collect and embed Google reviews and use AI reviews management tools to unlock your website’s sales potential.

Start 7-day free trial

FYI: You can automatically embed Google reviews widget on your website and show authentic user-generated reviews, increasing trust for more sales. Try it now.

CEO of EmbedSocial 

Nikola Bojkov is the CEO of EmbedSocial, an entrepreneur who turns problems into products. With over a decade of hands-on experience with social media APIs, he guides EmbedSocial in its role as a technical partner for both SMEs and large agencies, maximizing the impact of their user-generated content. EmbedSocial has offices in Skopje, Tokyo and Lisbon with over 250,000 users.